ffmpeg convert .mkv to .mp4 fails

When I invoke…

ffmpeg -i Y*.mkv -c:v copy -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k quick2.mp4

it errors out with

Unknown encoder 'libfdk_aac'

but under /usr/lib64 there is a file libfdk-aac.so.1 linked to file libfdk-aac.so.1.0.0. NOTE the DASH instead of underscore. I linked libfdk_aac.so.1. to libfdk-aac.so.1.0.0 and tried again but got the same result.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Just be sure you get ALL your multimedia stuff from packman. Anything form openSUSE has been de-propritized :wink:

It is from packman. I suspect the solution is more complicated as this post confirms…


AFAIK, Packman’s ffmpeg is built without support for libfdk_aac.
Use libvo_aacenc instead.

Thanks for the tip. Error gone.