FF 3.5.3-suseversion/rpm?

Firefox is update to 3.5.3-version, but not find openSUSE-rpm-packets… How long it take time?

sorry my ‘english’ :shame:

Power outage.

just add Mozilla Repositorie here: Additional YaST Package Repositories - openSUSE
and find upgrade in yast…

zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/mozilla/openSUSE_11.1/
zypper ref

or problem in - Power Outage in Nuernberg Office

sorry, but find only MozillaFirefox-3.5.2-2.1.i586.rpm 20-Aug-2009 04:13 930K


Just wait for a couple of days. Usually we have the packages before anouncement, with the power outage a lot of things dropped silent.

Thanks for letting us know. I am waiting , too. Keep up the good work.

The 3.5.3 version was build log time ago, but due to power outage packages are not appearing in repos.
You can download them directly from Build Service: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=mozilla