fetchmail option

I have a little problem with fetchmail
Its the second time in the last 3 years that fetchmail waits endless for a answer from my provider.
So i have to implement the -t function in the script fetchmail which is in /etc/init.d and was written by Stanislav Brabec.

Iam not shure howto implement -t option for timeout in this script or should i implement -t option in fetchmailrc under /etc.

I am using opensuse 10.1. (yes i wrote this in March 2010) I configured all users with yast.

Can someone tell me the best way to implement the -t option with i think 500 seconds
Thank you in advance

The easiest solution seems to me to implement

timeout 500

in /etc/fetchmailrc. Make sure that the permissions on this file are at most 0700 after editing it.

sorry didnt work
i tried this things
first line on /etc/fetchmailrc
timeout 500
-t 500
–t 500

all syntax error
i have more than 100 users in this pool i would not write in every line for every user timeout 500

Can you show me another way
thanks in advance Norbert

Versions 2. and 3. are obviously wrong. But it could be:

defaults timeout 500

Thanks for your help

This option seems to work well
I hope so because i didn#t have any error when i restarted the service.

Norbert Winkler
Karmel Linz