Be sure to find the post that starts “While you are at it, could you also fork gnome, and support a gnome-2 environment?” whilst you’re looking >:)
If you can’t find it it’s by
Some choice comments from ppl you’ll have heard of about modern desktops
> What I get from that thread is Torvalds is really unhappy with Gnome at
> the moment.
and so are many others in those circles. btw., the latest KDE also caught
flak. overall they seem to support the KDE3-forever crowd, i.e., don’t fix
what ain’t broken.
> and so are many others in those circles. btw., the latest KDE also caught
> flak. overall they seem to support the KDE3-forever crowd, i.e., don’t fix
> what ain’t broken.
GNOME3 is getting the same flak that KDE4 did at launch. I’m sure over time
it will evolve into a grand replacement, however, I have to admit that a LOT
gets left behind that worked really really well. It does seem that just when
a version is completely fleshed out and bordering on brilliance, it is time
to toss it out and start over…sort of like life I suppose, just when you
start to get a handle on it…you die.
I would not say “wimps out” fedora is and never was a “rolling release” .
15 will NEVER have the 3 kernel , but stick with 2.6.?
The major version of software will not change in 15 ,over it’s 13 month life cycle .
Now 16 ? maybe it depends on just HOW entrenched the 2.6 is in 16 .
16 may or may not be to far along in the dev cycle ? that is an unknown ( to me at least )
It wasn’t meant seriously, it’s “Soapbox!” remember; I was just having a little dig and posting an entertaining thread on Google+ I saw reported.
I don’t see how you can say Fedora 15 will never have 3.0 kernel, as that’s exactly what Dave Jones was doing, packaging 3.0 as a “stealth” update numbered 2.6.40!
The trouble with UI’s dumbing things down to the point of frustration is not new, there’s a famous Linus rant against GNOME 2, which turned him onto KDE. Linus had use fvwm2 for years, rather than an “Environment”. If Linus ran SuSE again, he’d probably be using KDE4; but be completely baffled by “Activities” and “Panels”. Most of those posting there use Fedora and the general word always is that KDE’s not as well supported, I’ve also found Kubuntu to a rough edged option.
The thing is, KDE1, KDE2 & KDE3 were always solid and understandable. Even now after years using KDE4, I don’t quite feel “confident”, in fact I KNOW I don’t understand it.
As for the “spoilers” giving show away about who’s ranting to those too lazy to click… shame on you!