fedora and opensuse posters

the posters for opensuse and fedora… they are eerily similar.
Artwork/MarketingCollateral - FedoraProject

openSUSE Lizards » Get your openSUSE posters! Posters for everyone!


It’s a Brazil thing… gotta love the colors :slight_smile:

The “silhouette” style is everywhere these days.

well, to me they look a world apart

‘Infinity > Freedom > Voice’ at Fedora and ‘Open > Freedom > Community’ at openSUSE, with all of them using the same basic style. I would not say they are rip-offs by any measure but there are some definite similarities.

It’s fine.lol!
Linux distros have their similarities, they are all "linux"lol!

yeah the style is there everywhere…i was very amused by it. even the paragraph they write in the posters is so similar to each other in a way.

> well, to me they look a world apart

Yah. The Fedora ones are better. <eg>



Immitation is the greatest flattery.

Fedora has always had a good Art team. I’ve wanted to like Fedora and Red Hat but when I give them a try I always seem like it’s stopping short of my needs.

I’ll have to see after fooling around with Fedora 10.

I use Opensuse as my primary OS. for me Fedora is brilliant to have fun…like when the system refuses to reboot after an update is one of the finer joys of life. :stuck_out_tongue:

but i love the innovations and new things they keep trying out. fedora is never really MEANT to be stable anyway.

> Fedora has always had a good Art team. I’ve wanted to like Fedora and
> Red Hat but when I give them a try I always seem like it’s stopping
> short of my needs.
