Can this be considered?
Well, these are the openSUSE forums where users try to help other users.
I doubt your fellow openSUSE users can help you with a feature request (they may be able to help you formulating a feature request though, but that is not what you ask for).
For feature requests there is, but my advice would be to formulate your request more detailed then the one line you have now and support it with arguments. The better your request will advertise itself as something usefull and nice to have, the more support you will get for it.
Probably would be considered by someone if it made sense.
A starting point might be to take a a look at what the YAST proxy module does… And, it’s purely a client-side configurator. What it appears to do is perform client-side configuration for the so-called “Web protocols,” ie what is normally supported when using a Web browser (but would be used to re-direct other non-browser apps that use those protocols). It’s likely that the YAST proxy module supports only these modules by modifying/creating IP Tables rules. SOCKS and SOCKS5 are not supported by IP Tables.
SOCKS and SOCKS5 client-side support and configuration is typically built into applications and not as an independent application, although I suppose you could set up a standalone SOCKS Firewall application in a proxy chain to create a SOCKS connection on behalf of a non-SOCKS application.
BTW - To also consider proxy firewall configuration(And do what I described above) I took a look at what kind of socks5 proxy firewalls we support and I was surprised to find only two… torproxy and moesocks. Seems moesocks is configurable only from the command line and torsocks can be installed and oonfigured in a web browser if installed using the Tor Browser Bundle.
Once a SOCKS5 proxy is available, then you can point a SOCKS5-enabled app to it.