Favorite games

I’m not complaining about some game not working.
I just whant to know what are the favorite linux games of openSUSE users, so i can try some :slight_smile: .

What is your favorite linux game?

Unreal tournament/2003/2004
serious sam 1 & 2
Frozen Bubble
to name a few


Thread moved to Surveys/Polls

Enemy Territory - A tactical FPS.

KNetWalk… Totally.

Supertux and TuxRacer are great too.

Besides that, there are a few I’ll pay in cedega or wine. Such as, Elite Force, Diablo, KoTOR, etc. However, it’s rare that I’ll sit down and play a full game like that.

How about Doom 3, Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire, Civ CTP Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Kohan:Immortal Sovereigns, Hexen 2, Heretic 2, Original Doom, Doom 2, Strife, Duke Nukem 3D, and these are just some of the ones I own, there are plenty more where those came from too.

I know a lot of people that like “Battle of Wesnoth” , some kind of strategy game.

Spyhawk wrote:

> Enemy Territory - A tactical FPS.

Angband, Nethack, kMahjong, “On The Precipice of Darkness”, Warzone2100.

Those are the main one’s lately. Keep returing to Angband. Excellent fps
rates and intense graphics and visuals. (It’s a joke, laugh!)


L R Nix

I play: Enemy Territory, Urban Terror, Heroes of MM III, Doom 3 ++, and openSUSE rules on solitaire games. I do also play some old Championship Manager versions through dosbox.

But has had bad experience with wine gaming as wine chages all the time. I had Settlers 3 running on 10.3 but now on 11.0 it is a different story, suppose i could have managed to get it running but to much tweaking is boring and I am not that good at it either.

Dominions 2 and 3. They have free demos. Very addicting - demo gets you to buy the full game, be warned. Native Linux port.

I play quake2, quake3arena, torcs, planet penguin racer, snes express (super nintendo), mupen (nintendo64), lbreakout… just to name a few i play with on and off whenever i have the time…

obviously, my favorite one is q3a hands down on SLED 10 sp2.


Frozen Bubble
Battle for Wesnoth

I haven’t time for trying new games though, this thread will give some useful keyword.

I read a pretty positive review about Eschalon: Book I today in the (PC) gaming magazine I’m subscribed to. It’s supposed to be some RPG like Wizardry or Ultima.

Apparently, there is also a Linux version & demo.

My favourite game on openSUSE is chess:

Games/Chess - openSUSE

EVE Online, Neverwinter Nights

I just started with Eve Online, and I’m digging it.

Quake III Arena (best game ever ^^)

Today I tried 2H4U, which stands for Too Hard For You.
If u like casual tetris-like game and a wall breaker, why not try them at the same time!

U’ll get a headache, for shure

P.S. could I post a picture of O-C-I with an url to the .yum instead like this?

Second Life

SLK021 wrote:

> Today I tried 2H4U, which stands for Too Hard For You.
> If u like casual tetris-like game and a wall breaker, why not try them
> at the same time!
> U’ll get a headache, for shure
> [image:
> P.S. could I post a picture of O-C-I with an url to the .yum instead
> like this?

I like Tremulous (http://www.tremulous.net). Very addictive!
