I am getting an ‘export’ error from a desktop file saved in /usr/share/applications/saga-gis.desktop
Here are its contents:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=A System for an Automated Geographical Analysis
Comment=View and manipulate geographical information
Exec=export SAGA_MLB=/usr/lib64/saga;saga_gui
ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs (365 kB) is a screenshot of the error.
Other users who installed this package “saga-gis” from the GEO repository report no errors…
My OS,
openSUSE 12.1 (gnome) x64
Kernel 3.1.10-1.9 desktop
Please see my bug report for more information: Access Denied
I uninstalled saga-gis, then re-installed, also did a --force with zypper and this is what I keep getting.
The SAGA desktop launcher is in the menus, and I can click it, but gives thefollowing error:ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs (365 kB)
I can open a terminal and execute ‘saga_gui’ and that launches SAGA GIS with the modules all loaded. (This is without me running export SAGA_MLB…)
If I execute ‘saga_cmd’ and I am given the error:“error: invalid module libraries path [/usr/lib/saga]”
I read that others are successfully installing it via the GEO repo from the saga forum thread so not sure what my issue is.
I can run ‘export SAGA_MLB=/usr/lib64/saga’ without any errors.
This is pretty much a fresh install of openSUSE 12.1 (gnome)…