Failed to blacklist/disable nouveau driver


I try to install the proprietary Nvidia driver “the hard way” following the instructions on the following page: SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE.

My system is a fresh 12.1 Dell laptop. The Nvidia card is GeForce Go 7400. I currently use nouveau and nouveau gallium since they came as default.

As preparation for the installation of the nvidia driver, the nouveau driver must be blacklisted. But this does not work. At least not as far as the nvidia installer is concerned. After blacklisting, rebooting and logging in in console mode it reports an error saying the nouveau driver is loaded and in use. The same happens if I login in run level 3.

I even uninstall the nouveau driver package (xorg-x11-driver-video-nouveau) using zypper, then reboot. The nvidia installer is still saying the nouveau driver is loaded and in use. If I log in to my desktop it is clear the nouveau driver is not loaded, System Information shows I’m using nv/swrast drivers.

Any ideas?

Regards, Micke.

thermopyle wrote:
> I try to install the proprietary Nvidia driver “the hard way” following
> the instructions on the following page: ‘SDB:NVIDIA the hard way -
> openSUSE’ (

Well that page is a pretty poor example of a wiki page. It doesn’t
include any date or version information in the body of the page, and the
wiki template doesn’t include any last-changed-date field in the footer.

But reading it, it appears to be written for opensuse 11.3 and it
mentions upgrading to 11.4.

Since AFAIK 12.1 uses quite different mechanisms for starting, including
loading kernel modules, you probably need to find some up-to-date

Thanks for the reply. I must say I’m a bit confused. Every reference I see to installing nvidia proprietary driver on openSUSE 12.1 refers to this article: SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE.

Does anybody know of any updated information on this subject? I fail to find any.

Regards, Micke.

Looking for the right way to do this too. I am in a similar boat with a Quadro FX Go 1400 in my laptop. Frustrating. ‘Hard way’ method I used to get it working well under 11.3 just isn’t cutting it for 12.1

su -
echo "blacklist nouveau >> /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf

followed by a reboot. But, when in GRUB’s bootmenu, hit F5 and pick SYSVINIT, instead of the default systemd. Then, on the options line add “init 3”. Next follow the instructions you already have. Don’t forget to set NO_KMS_IN_INITRD to “yes” in the sysconfig editor. That should do it.