Failed KDE4 / 11.3 Install now will not Boot into XP

Have just installed 11.3 under the KDE4 LiveCD on a Toshiba Satellite 2450-101

Configured what I thought was a dual-boot system.

Upon boot I now get “Missing Operating System”.

Neither XP or OpenSUSE will boot.

Have tried looking around for a fix. Believe this may be something to do with GRUB not installing properly but am a complete newbie and a bit overwhelmed.

Think that Windows is still there but don’t know the admin password so can’t even boot that off the Windows CD!!!


So, when you install openSUSE, you install the Grub OS menu system. In order to boot any OS, there must be something loaded in the Master Boot Record (MBR) and one of the partitions must be marked as bootable and of course, there must be an OS in the active boot partition to boot. Finally, openSUSE does give an option to load the Grub boot loader into the MBR or into the openSUSE partition. Something is wrong with the booting process and we don’t know what you told openSUSE to do during its installation. There is a Grub recovery article you should read first.

Re-Install Grub Quickly with Parted Magic

and look at:

Programming and Linux: Solution: Grub issues in opensuse with dual boot(XP,Vista)

Thank You,

Awesome, I do declare that this has fixed the OpenSUSE 11.3 KDE 4 install.

Thankfully I can also see that my Windows partition is still intact (with the wife’s photos and university work - PHEW!) and can now boot into that as well!!!

Have to say that KDE runs better than WinXP on this old hunk of junk.

HUGE Thankyou :slight_smile:

Adding an entry for XP is simple enough - If you can’t figure it from here. Post us the result of

fdisk -l

SDB:All about GRUB - openSUSE