Factory repositories.

Hi all,
Question about factory repos… was just checking factory installation age and noticed that i only “need” two repos to run factory and those are:

But after installation of openSUSE-20140918-0 factory snapshot i got few more repos on my (yast) list:

I mean at this moment they contain bash and flash updates, so i guess - very useful, but then why there is no mention of them on official wiki page as required repositories…
can someone elaborate, please?


On 2014-10-01 11:56, cyclingGeorgian wrote:

> I mean at this moment they contain bash and flash updates, so i guess -
> very useful, but then why there is no mention of them on official wiki
> page as required repositories…
> can someone elaborate, please?

The “official” factory repos are whatever the snapshot sets up for you, not what the wiki page says :wink:

Factory does not normally use the update repo. I don’t remember seeing anything there for years but
a fake package intended to test that update works.

But this time the devs were forced to actually use it, because factory build has been stuck for
weeks on a problem, and they absolutely needed to get bash updated, because of /that/ huge security

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Elessar))

thnx, that explains it… i thought it was very “suspicious” that updates repo had only bash update… i don’t know if devs will ever use it again, bit i will keep those repos just in case.