Is your FB account by chance recent? I mean if you don’t have much time with it…
Yes, a few months only. But it had been working and still is with 32 bit installs.
Well, tried in a laptop with openSUSE 12.1 32 bit with KDE 4.8 with my account and chat is still missing.
I asked a friend to try his account on my rig, and seemingly chat worked, but his account has a different setting for chat than mine. His has chat by default displayed and online contacts don’t appear in the left-hand section, but I noticed that his chat has an option called “hide chat bar”, or something like that. When clicked, chat bar goes back to its bar form in the usual lower-left hand side and online contacts appear again in the left-hand section, just as it used to be for me. So I guess chat is working for him in my rig.
But I tried in a laptop with Windows XP and Firefox 12, and chat and online contacts were back! But it’s the only case I have seen them!!
W T H!!!
Chat just came back on my machines
I didn’t change anything