extracting sounds from videos

Hello all. I need to extract some sound effects from a video for a mod for the game “Nexus - The Jupiter Incident”. What the best linux utility for doing this?

Also, the best video editor? Thanks.

Best ? That tends to be subjective.

Avidemux works for extracting audio from video. There are also various ffmpeg command permutations.

The video editor I like to use is ‘kdenlive’.

ffmpeg is quite easiest for me.

Easiest for me would be to extract audio with avidemux and edit with audacity. I’m not much of a command line power user - too lazy…

Package search in yast says nothing found for avidemux.

Also, I was able to directly import the flv into audacity. Now, the hard part extracting the sounds from the Battlestar Galactica(original). Thanks all.

I’m the same not much of a command line person either bit if you have MPlayer installed this command works fine:-

mplayer -dumpaudio song.flv -dumpfile song.mp3

where “song.flv” is the name of the video file that you want to rip the music from for example

Try searching here: PackMan :: Search

Well done on getting this far.

Earlier today I noticed this link AV Linux Download and Install to a GNU/Linux live DVD which specializes in an assortment of video editors being on the DVD: AV Linux - Install…Create… … Being a liveDVD, it should be faster than a liveCD. One can then play with the editors and pick the editor(s) one likes and then check the packman packager site to see if it is available: PackMan :: Suche nach Paketen

A caution, they state:

I don’t know what that means, but it gives me ‘pause’. I have not tried out the DVD itself, so this post of mine is not a recommendation, but rather its a note of something you could try for testing.

I checked out the DVD and they did a reasonable job of throwing a large amount of multimedia apps into one liveDVD.

If you wish to check out an assortment of multimedia apps, then I recommend trying this liveDVD as a liveDVD. Make a list of the apps you like, then reboot to openSUSE and install from the various openSUSE repositories (typically packman) the multimedia apps you like.

Thanks for the tip, oldcpu. Downloading now.

I’m using fraps to grab video. It’s in uncompressed format. I need it in a form that mswin(XP) can read with no additional software. That’s compressed avi format I think. I can’t figure out how to resave in compressed format on avidemux-gtk.

This will work once the audio-part of that file is already .mp3. If not, this will do the trick:

ffmpeg -i somefile.flv someaudio.mp3

I guess this should be the command for ffmpeg (if you want a mp3 from video)

ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 48000 output_audio.mp3

if you want aac(faac), then

ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vn -acodec libfaac -ab 160k -ac 2 -ar 48000 output_audio.aac