Hello to @ll who reads this.
I’m a little-server administrator (learning) and was, untill some weeks ago, always manual creating backups and so on, after that the backups are rsync’ed to the backup server.
All was well, untill I got many databases on one server.
with this script you can extract all databases to one directory.
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
sub MyPrint {
my ($txt) = shift; my ($bld) = shift;
if($bld eq 1) { print BOLD, $txt, RESET; }
else { print($txt); }
sub MyExec {
my ($exe) = shift; my ($dbg) = shift;
if($dbg eq 1) { MyPrint("Execute : ", 1); print qq($exe
); }
else { qx($exe); }
my $dbnm = "test";
my $user = "root";
my $pass = "";
my $hlp = "";
my $debug = 0;
my $dir = ".";
$result = GetOptions ("user|u=s" => \$user, "password|p=s" => \$pass, "help|h" => \$hlp, "test|t" => \$debug, "dir|d=s" => \$dir);
if ($hlp eq 1) {
", 1);
MyPrint(" sqlbkup -u user -p password -t -d directory
", 0);
", 1);
MyPrint(" -u user to login
", 0);
MyPrint(" -p MySQL root password
", 0);
MyPrint(" -d Directory to store sql files. Default is the directory where you are.
", 0);
MyPrint(" -t Test / Debug mode
", 0);
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$dbnm;host=localhost", $user, $pass, {'RaiseError' => 1});
@databases = $dbh->func('_ListDBs');
foreach $db (@databases) {
unless (($db eq 'mysql') or ($db eq 'information_schema') or ($db eq 'performance_schema') or ($db eq 'test')) {
Copying DB: ", 1); MyPrint($db."
", 0);
MyExec("mysqldump ".$db." > ".$dir."/".$db.".sql", $debug);
", 0);
Save all code to a file named: sqlbkup, and copy this file to /usr/local/bin
Do not forget to change the userrights with: chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sqlbkup
cd to the directory, where you wonna store your sql files. then invoke sqlbkup with:
sqlbkup -p root_pw_of_sqlserver
That’s it.
A complete backup script will follow.
Best regards,