since btfrs is really new to me asking help to achieve the correct method without possible borked system.
what i am trying to achieve is extending aeon btfrs volume to adding second nvme to system so i have everything on home and enough space for everyhting. Is this even possible and if so how i can achieve it as safe as possible. i can mount the second nvme, but it is basically “hidden” and i am so used to use home on everything as simplicity so extending the first nvme for second one would be so awsome
This will keep the current metadata and data profiles which are likely single, meaning you do not get any redundancy and if any of the two devices fails you lose access to the complete filesystem.
It certainly makes sense to rebuild initrd after doing this and if you are using grub2, also reinstall it (just to be sure it is aware of the second device).
transactional-update initrd bootloader
That said, as long as it is not offered by the installer it is probably untested and unsupported, so you should be prepared to troubleshoot and fix fallouts if any.