ext3 xfs reiserfs all fail on 500GB HD

Hi I have discovred that just about every filesystem supported by opensuse (or any other linux distro) fails when using 500GB SATA Harddrives.
I noted that when formating the disks with ext3 it stops at around 80% and this is with both during install or when using stand alone partitioning tools.
No matter i thought formated disks to XFS - go
But when handling files, ie transfering files from or to the disks the system hangs and the disk is seemingly gone until next reboot.

“Mkay this could possibly be an sata controller issue or power”

Shop for a new Sata pci controller card, test again same issues as before, put in a power supply with higher wattage still same issue.

As stated above ive tried this with just about any filesystem i could think of but issue remains.

Exept when using a standard win install with ntfs, i could go with ntfs but cant seem to get my head around how to set an mount point for a disk or partition with ntfs.

A friend noted that he had seen an issue regarding ext3 and the clustersize on 500gb disks but i just cant find any article regarding this.

all that said im very courous as to what the problem could be.

/Daniel F

I suppose you made only 1 partition, right? Create 2 partitions.

I have a 1TB USB disk partitioned with one 200GB ext3 and 750GB with an NTFS partition. I don’t have the issues you mention? I do remember first hooking it to my XP workstation… It took ages before the disk management appeared & it was chocking on the disk until I split into the two partition. Could be coincidence though.
Ext3 should support partitions up to 8TB with a 4k block size and I have a couple of servers that handle TB volumes (internal disk) without a glitch…

Why the need to create 2 partitions Simico. Is this a known issue?

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I have two machines with 750 GB HDDs… 1 GB Swap for first partition
and the rest is purely XFS. I have done the same with Reiser and ext3
without problems. I’ve never had a problem formatting or installing and
the only sporadic issue I’ve seen was with a 1.3 TB ext3 partition where
Grub would not install properly regularly, but it also did install
properly a couple times so I can’t pin that one down at all unless it’s
an installer bug. The last time I fixed it I did so by creating /boot
as 200 MB first, then swap (1 GB) and then the rest ext3. This was on a
decent-sized box.

Good luck.

Magic31 wrote:
> I have a 1TB USB disk partitioned with one 200GB ext3 and 750GB with an
> NTFS partition. I don’t have the issues you mention? I do remember
> first hooking it to my XP workstation… It took ages before the disk
> management appeared & it was chocking on the disk until I split into the
> two partition. Could be coincidence though.
> Ext3 should support partitions up to 8TB with a 4k block size and I
> have a couple of servers that handle TB volumes (internal disk) without
> a glitch…
> Why the need to create 2 partitions Simico. Is this a known issue?
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No. But he could try it, if that also fails then the problem lies somewhere else. I also don’t beleive in using 1 single partition of that size on a desktop computer.