While waiting for Gnome extensions to further update, I’ve found myself not enjoying Gnome40. Frustration set in, so I decided to see what else might be available. Since I seem to have a block when trying KDE and just do not find it enjoyable or practical for my eye and my needs, I began to wonder about XFCE.
I took the plunge and did a fresh Tumbleweed install with XFCE and went adventuring in a new land, so to speak. Well, after about a zillion add-ons and adjusted settings, I think I’ve found a place I’m gonna hang out for awhile.
I did something similar around 12 years ago. I had been using Gnome, but I did not like the latest change (this was still Gnome 2.x). So I tried XFCE. And I really, really liked it.
But then I tried KDE, and I liked that even better.
Almost the same here 17 years ago, I had been using KDE, then I tried Xfce, I like it even better and using it until now.
I still have KDE in my installation and using kwin as my windowmanager on xfce and sometimes I run plasma inside xfce.
I am frustrated by the choice of DEs. I gave up on GNOME years ago - I’ve settled for KDE with LX-Qt as my regular fallback, but XFCE remains a thing of beauty.