Exploring XFCE

While waiting for Gnome extensions to further update, I’ve found myself not enjoying Gnome40. Frustration set in, so I decided to see what else might be available. Since I seem to have a block when trying KDE and just do not find it enjoyable or practical for my eye and my needs, I began to wonder about XFCE.

I took the plunge and did a fresh Tumbleweed install with XFCE and went adventuring in a new land, so to speak. Well, after about a zillion add-ons and adjusted settings, I think I’ve found a place I’m gonna hang out for awhile.

For me, XFCE is just all right.

Fine you found something to your liking, but what is the question?

Please delete the post. I never seem to get things right or get them posted right around here. Sorry to bother the community.

When you want to talk about pros and cons of XFCE and the experiences of others that is no problem. We have General Chitchat for that.

I can move it there.

I did something similar around 12 years ago. I had been using Gnome, but I did not like the latest change (this was still Gnome 2.x). So I tried XFCE. And I really, really liked it.

But then I tried KDE, and I liked that even better.

Almost the same here 17 years ago, I had been using KDE, then I tried Xfce, I like it even better and using it until now.:wink:
I still have KDE in my installation and using kwin as my windowmanager on xfce and sometimes I run plasma inside xfce.:slight_smile:

I think you should try to tell us why.

I am frustrated by the choice of DEs. I gave up on GNOME years ago - I’ve settled for KDE with LX-Qt as my regular fallback, but XFCE remains a thing of beauty.

XFCE daily user here! It feels so smooth on 10year old hardware. KDE eats up too much memory :frowning:

These Xfce Versus KDE Numbers Reveal A Shocking Surprise About Linux Desktop Environments

I never actually checked anything

I installed KDE + OpenSuse leap and was very slow (idk if it is my 4gb RAM or my 5400rpm)
on XFCE + OpenSuse leap it is fine most of the time