I’m trying to compile ART which is a fork from RawTherapee (Another RawTherapee) and I encountered compiling problems due to some version mix up in the opensuse repos (I think) @System vs Main
I use exiv2 0.27.3-lp152.114.1 but I need the development headers libexiv2-devel which is: 0.26-lp152.8.2.
Where do I get libexiv2-devel for 0.27?
> zypper info exiv2
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package exiv2:
Repository : @System
Name : exiv2
Version : 0.27.3-lp152.114.1
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : obs://build.opensuse.org/X11
Installed Size : 331.7 KiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : exiv2-0.27.3-lp152.114.1.src
Summary : Tool to access image Exif metadata
Description :
Exiv2 is a command line utility to access image metadata from tags like
> zypper info libexiv2-27
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package libexiv2-27:
Repository : @System
Name : libexiv2-27
Version : 0.27.3-lp152.147.1
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : obs://build.opensuse.org/graphics
Installed Size : 2.8 MiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : exiv2-0.27.3-lp152.147.1.src
Summary : Library to access image metadata
Description :
libexiv2 is a C++ library with a C compatibility interface to access
image metadata, esp from Exif tags.
> zypper info libexiv2-devel
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Information for package libexiv2-devel:
Repository : Main Repository
Name : libexiv2-devel
Version : 0.26-lp152.8.2
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : openSUSE
Installed Size : 478.3 KiB
Installed : Yes
Status : up-to-date
Source package : exiv2-0.26-lp152.8.2.src
Summary : Development Headers for Exiv2
Description :
Exiv2 is a C++ library and a command line utility to access image
The other problem that I have and it could be related is that both libexiv2-26 and libexiv2-26 are installed:
> zypper se *exiv*
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
i+ | exiv2 | Tool to access image Exif metadata | package
i+ | exiv2-lang | Translations for package exiv2 | package
i+ | libexiv2-26 | Library to access image metadata | package
| libexiv2-26-32bit | Library to access image metadata | package
i+ | libexiv2-27 | Library to access image metadata | package
i+ | libexiv2-devel | Development Headers for Exiv2 | package <<<< points 0.26
| libexiv2-doc | Library to access image metadata - Documentation | package
i | libgexiv2-2 | A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper | package
| libgexiv2-2-32bit | A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper | package
| libgexiv2-devel | A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper -- Development Files | package
| libkexiv2-devel | Build environment for libkexiv2, a library to manipulate pi-> | package
| python-gexiv2 | A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper | package
| python-pyexiv2 | Python Bindings to Exiv2 | package
| python3-exiv2 | Python3 bindings for the exiv2 library | package
| python3-gexiv2 | A GObject-based Exiv2 wrapper | package
Information for package exiv2:
Repository : @System
Name : exiv2
Version : 0.27.3-lp152.114.1
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : obs://build.opensuse.org/X11 <== X11 repository
Information for package libexiv2-27:
Repository : @System
Name : libexiv2-27
Version : 0.27.3-lp152.147.1
Arch : x86_64
Vendor : obs://build.opensuse.org/graphics <== Graphics repository
At some point you deleted/disabled those repos, hence now system versions… delete them all and use the Leap version (0.26)? Or add use the Graphics repo to get the versions matching…
To overwrite installed packages (or packages the package manager thinks are installed but may be faulty),
use the -f or --force flags to “force re-install” the app which over-writes whatever exists including any modified configuration files…
zypper in -f exiv2 libexiv2-devel libgexiv2 libgexiv2-devel