Existing Libraries not found?


Since I went from 10.2 to 10.3 some weeks ago, I experienced some problems during the reinstallation of some applications.

Here’s an example:
Tried to install instant player from instantreality.org which failed.
For example,YAST tells me, it cannot find ‘libHalf.so.2’

A quick ‘find’ tells me the opposite…

marvin:/usr/lib # find /usr/lib -name “libHalf*”

Why can’t YAST find the required library?

Thanks, Roland

YaST can’t find it unless it was installed from an RPM package.

rpm -qf /usr/lib/libHalf.so.4

Hi and thanks for our reply,

marvin:/home/rp # rpm -qf /usr/lib/libHalf.so.4


marvin:/home/rp # rpm -qf /usr/lib/libHalf.so.2
file /usr/lib/libHalf.so.2 is not owned by any package

Are you saying some other non-rpm installed that library ?!
I don’t think, that’s the case because YAST can’t find so many libraries and I use rpm’s most of the time to install apps.

Could that be some problem with the rpm database?

bye, R.

Probably not, but if you want to rebuild the DB make a backup and then:

rpm -vv --rebuilddb

What kind of file ls /usr/lib/libHalf.so.2? It is probably a symlink to /usr/lib/libHalf.so.2.0.0, which doesn’t exist, and it’s no wonder your app can’t find it. You probably need to reinstall it, wherever it came from.