Exclude filesystems to zypper (yast) checks

I’ve been doing some testing installing packages with YaST. In testing I’ve seen yast launches a zypper process that checks the free space of the mounted file systems. I’ve seen that when an external drive is connected with little free space YaST issues a warning. I think this behavior confuses inexperienced users. I think it would be better to disable default zypper checking of the filesystems mounted in /run/media. Also, I think it would be great to include a configuration option in zypper that allow users to exclude filesystems.

I think that this behavior is related to the snapper snapshots but I could not check it on a computer without snapper enabled.


2015-12-22 11:57:36 <2> lx01(5530) [zypp] DiskUsageCounter.cc(detectMountPoints):282 Unable to statvfs(/run/media/jgr/TOSHIBA\040EXT); errno 2
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /.snapshots  Used percent: 40  Free: 2
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /boot/grub2/i386-pc  Used percent: 40 
 Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi  Used percent: 
40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /home  Used percent: 91  Free: 33074
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /opt  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /run/media/jgr/TOSHIBA\040EXT  Used pe
rcent: 0  Free: 0
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /srv  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /tmp  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /usr/local  Used percent: 40  Free: 24
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/crash  Used percent: 40  Free: 24
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/libvirt/images  Used percent:
 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/mailman  Used percent: 40  Fr
ee: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/mariadb  Used percent: 40  Fr
ee: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/mysql  Used percent: 40  Free
: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/named  Used percent: 40  Free
: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/lib/pgsql  Used percent: 40  Free
: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/log  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/opt  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:36 <1> lx01(5530) [ncurses-pkg] NCPkgPopupDiskspace.cc(checkRemainingDiskSpace):237 Partition: /var/spool  Used percent: 40  Free: 24437
2015-12-22 11:57:57 <2> lx01(5530) [Ruby] modules/SlideShowCallbacks.rb:322 Not enought free space in /run/media/jgr/TOSHIBA\040EXT (//run/media/jgr/TOSHIBA\040EXT): available: -1, required: 0
2015-12-22 11:57:57 <1> lx01(5530) [ui] YPushButton.cc(setFunctionKey):202 Guessing button role YOKButton for YPushButton "Yes" at 0x7fd97042a670 from function key F10
2015-12-22 11:57:57 <1> lx01(5530) [ui] YPushButton.cc(setFunctionKey):202 Guessing button role YCancelButton for YPushButton "No" at 0x7fd970037540 from function key F9