Evolution lockups with 11.0

Running Evolution -latest from the SuSE repos. 64 bit machine.

I am finding that Evo locks up up too frequently to be very useful. It seeeems to happen when I have a mail compose window open, but I can’t be sure that is all. I am in a Windows work environment, and I need the Exchange support in Evolution. I wuld use Thunderbird, but I can’t send mail from within this firewall, except through the Exchange server.

My kernel is on a Core 2 Duo.

Anyone else having this problem?

No issues here, but I’m also not connecting to Exchange (using pop and Groupwise). Does not have to be relevant but Which Exchange version are you using?

Don’t know, but it’s run on an external server for us. I believe the company is trying to switch to Groupwise, but is running into problems on the MS workstations in here.

The lockups do not depend on having a compose window open. It’s just locked up on me with just the main window showing.

Maybe this article can help in tracking down what is causing the lockup issue: Evolution Bugs?
It shows some nice debug options you can use when running Evolution from a terminal console. Along these lines you can find more info Google’n.

Also, where these lockups there from the start, or did it start recently?

I believe the company is trying to switch to Groupwise, but is running into problems on the MS workstations in here.

Anything I can do to help out with this? :wink:
What kind of issues are we talking about?


This is a new install of 11.0, and it’s been happening with varying frequency. I don’t know anything about the problems that have been reported with Groupwise, however.

I’m having a new problem with VMWare, however, whcih I will put in another post.

I recalled the discussion about the unreliability of 11.0 with reiser. My home directoty was mounted on reiser, a legacy of a 10.3 install. Fortunately, I had enough unallocated space on the drive to create an ext3 partition, copy the home tree across, and reboot with the new partition mounted on /home.

On looking into the lockups a bit further I saw that beagle is often implicated. Beagle is running (I have a dual cpu workstation and plenty of disc space - otherwise I would have shut it down).

Since the change to ext3, evolution has been running without problems. This is a good sign, if not conclusive, as I previously could not run for a day without having to kill and restart evolution.

I spoke too soon. I was preparing a reply to an email when evolution went ga-ga. It is consuming no cpu resources, but the evolution windows are completely unresponsive, nor are they repainting after damage.

I gues I next try disabling beagle.

Again, I spoke too soon. I have no beagle processes running. The icon is in the panle, but when I configure, I’m told that it is not currently running. ps -ef confirms this.

So, I’m faced with the fact that evolution is crap on 11.0, 64 bit.

Is any other conclusion possible? It would be great if there were.

Well, evolution is running fine here. Not that it’s much help other than stating it should be able to run solidly.

Did you try running in debug mode (the Evolution bugs link mentioned earlier)? I think that should be the first thing to do as it might give a good insight on what exactly is causing it to crash.

If you are using an Evoluition configuration from an earlier release you could also try running evolution with a clean config (either creating a new Linux user account for testing purposes or by removing/renaming ~/.gconf/apps/evolution and/or ~/.evolution).

If things keep messing up, opening a bug report could be the way to go.
I suspect is has to do with the Exchange setup… but you will have to try to debug to know whats going on.

Wishing you luck,