every boot message reads "previous installation failed"

Hi all,

I finally did it. I took the plunge and moved away from MS and installed openSuSe on my system. I have a Gateway 650 with 160 MB of ram and yes it did install! To top it all off it also boots to Windows XP.

This was all working fine until I < me < myself < yes I am a gonna admit >>USER ERROR<< booted the system into windows and I decided to see if my system needed to be DEFRAGGED. Yup I did… I ran the defrag on the system and when it was all said and done my NTFS file system was all nice and pretty no more fragmented files. So I decided to reboot the system to see that wonnerful boot loader of openSuSe and I chose the 11.2 to boot to and I get the message that the previous installation failed and it starts to run the script to “fix” the installation. It hangs on around 4% of the installation. I hit ctrl alt del and it boots into the openSuSe partition and it seems to be working, but I have that durn annoying screen of the “previous installation failed”.

Are there any ideas on how to as my GF 4 yr old daughter says “flix it”? Or do I have to go through the PAINFULLY SLOW installation again?

Sysreqs - openSUSE

IMHO if you wish to use openSUSE with so little RAM, you should use the LXDE live CD, or the SOAD (SuSE on Active Diet) live CD to install.

There is a link here to them: Live CD - openSUSE

Note the low memory will make installation tricky. I recommend you select the text mode for installation … I can’t recall the exact details, but you may need to boot to a text prompt. Login as user “linux” ( < enter > for password) and then type ‘su’ (no quotes and < enter > for password ) to get root permissions. Then type “yast” (no quotes) and in “yast” using your arrow and tab keys as appropriate, navigate to “miscellaneous/misc” and select the installation there.

Both LXDE and SOAD may run reasonably well in such a minimal RAM system