Hi all,
I finally did it. I took the plunge and moved away from MS and installed openSuSe on my system. I have a Gateway 650 with 160 MB of ram and yes it did install! To top it all off it also boots to Windows XP.
This was all working fine until I < me < myself < yes I am a gonna admit >>USER ERROR<< booted the system into windows and I decided to see if my system needed to be DEFRAGGED. Yup I did… I ran the defrag on the system and when it was all said and done my NTFS file system was all nice and pretty no more fragmented files. So I decided to reboot the system to see that wonnerful boot loader of openSuSe and I chose the 11.2 to boot to and I get the message that the previous installation failed and it starts to run the script to “fix” the installation. It hangs on around 4% of the installation. I hit ctrl alt del and it boots into the openSuSe partition and it seems to be working, but I have that durn annoying screen of the “previous installation failed”.
Are there any ideas on how to as my GF 4 yr old daughter says “flix it”? Or do I have to go through the PAINFULLY SLOW installation again?