EurKEY layout issues/what determines the contents of `/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols`?


I’d like to use the EurKEY layout, which is included on Tumbleweed with KDE by default. However, the version of the layout that I have on my system is not the latest version, or even a version consistent with one listed on the official page.

The changelog is listed here. The layout I have pre-installed on Tumbleweed is essentially v1.2 but with the single difference that AltGr + D is still mapped to thorn, not d with stroke. The importance of this character to me is what made me realise the discrepancy.

There is also a version 1.3 from 2017, which is apparently the current version, and none of the changes for it are present in the version on Tumbleweed. So from that point of view the layout is outdated.

Whether it makes sense to update the layout to 1.3 or not is another question, but it certainly makes sense to abide by one specific version of the layout consistently.

I can of course make my own adjustments to the layout file, but that doesn’t seem like an ideal solution.

So the first question would be: Who is responsible for the keyboard layout schemes that can be found under /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols?

If the answer is each distribution, my question would be: How can I go about updating the layout included in openSUSE distros?

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