# blkid /dev/nvme0n1p1 ; blkid /dev/nvme0n1p7
/dev/nvme0n1p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="PI3P01ESP" LABEL="PI3P01ESP" UUID="20A0-1003" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="MuP P01 EFI System (ESP)" PARTUUID="5e15361e-57dc-4df5-a1ad-9e392a4c1de4"
/dev/nvme0n1p7: LABEL="k25p07stw" UUID="d3996ada-30fb-42d2-a8a2-4d5a32e2aef4" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="MuP P07 openSUSE Tumbleweed" PARTUUID="5e153684-7fa2-4df5-a78c-ed4f2e7a2e96"
# efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0006
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0005,0003,0004,0006,0000
Boot0000* opensusetw
Boot0003* Hard Drive
Boot0004* CD/DVD Drive
Boot0005* opensuse
Boot0006* UEFI: Generic Flash Disk 8.07
# efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0006
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0005,0003,0004,0006,0000
Boot0000* opensusetw VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot0003* Hard Drive BBS(HD,,0x0)..GO..NO.........G.e.n.e.r.i.c.-.S.D./.M.M.C. .1...0.0....................A..........................Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.0.5.8.F.`.G.e.n.e.r.i.c.-.C.o.m.p.a.c.t. .F.l.a.s.h. .1...0.1....................A...............................Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.0.5.8.F.`.G.e.n.e.r.i.c.-.S.M./.x.D.-.P.i.c.t.u.r.e. .1...0.2....................A...............................Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.0.5.8.F.`.G.e.n.e.r.i.c.-.M.S./.M.S.-.P.r.o. .1...0.3....................A...............................Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.0.5.8.F.;.A..MQ..L.M.K.N.S.S.D.P.L.1.2.0.G.B.-.D.8........BO..NO........o.S.T.>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. . . . . . . . . . . . .1.S.F.D.2.A.D.T........BO..NO........o.S.T.>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. . . . . . . . . . . . .1.Z.C.D.Z.J.N.8........BO..NO........S.G.e.n.e.r.i.c. .F.l.a.s.h. .D.i.s.k. .8...0.7....................A.......................&..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.4.E.F.
Boot0004* CD/DVD Drive BBS(CDROM,,0x0)..GO..NO........o.P.L.E.X.T.O.R. .P.X.-.8.9.1.S.A.F....................A...........................>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. .2.M.
Boot0005* opensuse HD(1,GPT,5e15361e-57dc-4df5-a1ad-9e392a4c1de4,0x800,0xa0000)/File(\EFI\OPENSUSE\GRUBX64.EFI)..BO
Boot0006* UEFI: Generic Flash Disk 8.07 PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(7,0)/CDROM(1,0xac8,0x7a10)..BO
Above is from the problem Gigabyte Kaby Lake PC. I order to migrate the boot device from GPT 256G M.2 SATA stick to a GPT 120G M.2 NVME stick, I did a three way swap, as I wanted to preserve the content of both M.2 devices. Only about the first 40% of the 256G was in use, so I cloned the 256G to a 160G SATA HD, then cloned from the 120G to the 256G, then from the 160G to the 120G.
Having done this, the secondary partition tables on the smaller devices disappeared, while that of the larger became invalid. Consequently, fdisk, parted and apparently the kernel don’t see any partitions. Grub does, and so does my partitioner (DFSee), and apparently so do the disk drivers somehow. I was able to boot into Grub, select TW on nvme0n1p7, and start to boot, but init failed when came time to mount nvme0n1p7 on /. I had apparently forgotten a crucial prerequisite to the changeover - rebuild initrds with nvme support.
So, I wiped the 120G, recreated the partition structure on it, then cloned partition by partition from the 160G. I’m guession the resulting PARTUUID changes apparently disabled the UEFI system from operating as required. The ESP on the 120G is no longer recognized by the BIOS. I tried reordering boot order to start with opensusetw using efibootmgr -o, but it doesn’t stick, as you can see from Boot0005 listed first.
The following are the UUIDs from the 160G, carryovers from the 256G to 160G cloning:
Partition Label : K25P01ESP Uuid : {5b2ae91e-e722-4df5-8b9f-93e611fc27ba} # old sdc1
Partition Label : k25p07stw Uuid : {da6a99d3-fb30-d242-a8a2-4d5a32e2aef4} # old sdc7
Below is from my Asus Kaby Lake PC, which is configured very little differently from the Gigabyte, exactly the same layout through the first 12 partitions. Not too many weeks ago I successfully migrated it from standard SATA SSD to NVME, but used no off-sized intermediary steps.
# blkid /dev/nvme0n1p1 ; blkid /dev/nvme0n1p7
/dev/nvme0n1p1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="SX6P01ESP" LABEL="SX6P01ESP" UUID="20A0-2A08" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="SX6P01 EFI System (ESP)" PARTUUID="5b331d7f-9488-4df5-9eed-c7250696b833"
/dev/nvme0n1p7: LABEL="sx6p07stw" UUID="d99a8eac-df16-4cc3-8aa2-a57e5dd3008a" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="SX6P07 openSUSE Tumbleweed" PARTUUID="5b331e4b-e409-4df5-a409-456d2fca2f1f"
# efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0004,0005,0006
Boot0000* opensusetw
Boot0004* UEFI OS
Boot0005* Hard Drive
Boot0006* CD/DVD Drive
# efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0004,0005,0006
Boot0000* opensusetw HD(1,GPT,5b331d7f-9488-4df5-9eed-c7250696b833,0x800,0xa0000)/File(\EFI\OPENSUSETW\GRUBX64.EFI)
Boot0004* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,5b331d7f-9488-4df5-9eed-c7250696b833,0x800,0xa0000)/File(\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI)..BO
Boot0005* Hard Drive BBS(HD,,0x0)..GO..NO........k.A.D.A.T.A. .S.X.;.A..MQ..L.2.J.
Boot0006* CD/DVD Drive BBS(CDROM,,0x0)..GO..NO........u.O.p.t.i.a.r.c. .D.V.D. .R.W. .A.D.-.;.A..MQ..L.O.p.t.i.a.r.c. .D.V.D. .R.W. .A.D.-.
I see quite a bit of difference between the Boot0000s on the two PCs. It seems obvious that at least part of the trouble is the Boot0000 entry on the Gigabyte is now invalid. I’m hoping that the entirety of the problem, and that the next step forward would be to delete Boot0000 and create a new one.
Any thoughts on my assessment? Anything I’ve missed that I should have or could have done, or something else I should do first? Is there some likelihood that the UEFI BIOS is reacting badly because the ESP was partitioned as FAT16, so I should recreate the ESP as FAT32? I’m asking these few questions out of fear of making the situation worse instead of better, and blowing away a lot more time.
Also I’m trying to do this without any help from YaST, so that I can better understand how UEFI works, and how to fix it if it breaks without YaST being available…