Errors in video editors for ogv files

I created an ogv file by recording my screen at 30 fps with qt-recordmydesktop on Leap 42.1 Plasma 5, then I imported it in kdenlive. Kdenlive said “Clip is invalid, will be removed from project”. Then I installed everything I found by searching for libogg in zypper…

I added the packman repository and updated every package on my system to the versions on packman, but this hasn’t changed anything…
Then I did everything said in - nothing changed, then (there was no link “for technical reasons” so I provide here the direct one), and nothing changed…
I also tried downloading the first three videos in (with proprietary codecs): I can successfully play them with any player, but if I import them in kdenlive video works and audio not (I don’t know the audio codecs), but this is another problem.

Please help me, I am desperate!

please tell us your repo list

zypper lr -d

What video/audio codec did you use in the ogm file?
FYI these are the officialy supported codecs in the ogm container

    Codec Identifier             | Codecs Parameter
    char[5]: 'BBCD\0'            | dirac
    char[5]: '\177FLAC'          | flac
    char[7]: '\x80theora'        | theora
    char[7]: '\x01vorbis'        | vorbis
    char[8]: 'CELT    '          | celt
    char[8]: 'CMML\0\0\0\0'      | cmml
    char[8]: '\213JNG

’ | jng
char[8]: ‘\x80kate\0\0\0’ | kate
char[8]: ‘OggMIDI\0’ | midi
char[8]: '\212MNG
’ | mng
char[8]: 'PCM ’ | pcm
char[8]: '\211PNG
’ | png
char[8]: 'Speex ’ | speex
char[8]: ‘YUV4MPEG’ | yuv4mpeg

The fact that you can put h264 in ogm is a bug not a feature, you can try and convert that ogm to mp4 or mkv (depending on the codecs used with ffmpeg)

ffmpeg -i your_old_file.ogm -c copy your_new_file.mp4
altermetax@linux-0pix:~> zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                               | Nome                                      | Abilitato | Controllo GPG | Aggiornamento | Priorità | Tipo   | URI                                                                              | Servizio
 1 |       | Repository principale (NON-OSS)           | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | yast2  |                |         
 2 |     | Repository degli aggiornamenti (Non-Oss)  | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                           |         
 3 |           | Repository principale (OSS)               | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | yast2  |                    |         
 4 |         | Repository principale degli aggiornamenti | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                |         
 5 | | multimedia:libs                           | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |   |         
 6 | | multimedia:apps                           | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |   |         
 7 |    | libdvdcss repository                      | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                               |         
 8 |      | Packman Repository                        | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                                 |         
 9 | openSUSE-42.1-0                     | openSUSE-42.1-0                           | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | yast2  | hd:///?device=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Verbatim_STORE_N_GO_1208000000007337-0:0-part1 |         
10 | packman                             | packman                                   | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |               |         
11 | repo-debug                          | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug                  | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | NONE   |              |         
12 | repo-debug-non-oss                  | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Debug-Non-Oss          | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | NONE   |          |         
13 | repo-debug-update                   | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug           | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | NONE   |                          |         
14 | repo-debug-update-non-oss           | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update-Debug-Non-Oss   | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | NONE   |                     |         
15 | repo-source                         | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Source                 | No        | ----          | Sì            |   99     | NONE   |             |         
16 | repo-update                         | openSUSE-Leap-42.1-Update                 | Sì        | (r ) Sì       | Sì            |   99     | rpm-md |                               |         

Sorry, it’s in italian:

  • “principale” means “main”
  • “aggiornamenti” means “updates”

Anyway, I noted just now there are two packman from different sources, I added manually the one named “packman” but I think Packman Repository has been added by some 1-click-install (one of the two I said before).
From the recordmydesktop website ( I see its ogms use “Theora for video and Vorbis for audio”. I see I have both libtheora0 and libvorbis0…

Then I tried to convert to mp4:

altermetax@linux-0pix:~> ffmpeg -i out.ogv -c copy out.mp4
ffmpeg version 2.8.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 4.8 (SUSE Linux)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --shlibdir=/usr/lib64 --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg --extra-cflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --optflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --disable-htmlpages --enable-pic --disable-stripping --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --disable-openssl --enable-avresample --enable-libcdio --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libcelt --enable-libcdio --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --disable-decoder=dca --enable-libdcadec --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-version3 --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-x11grab
  WARNING: library configuration mismatch
  avutil      configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --shlibdir=/usr/lib64 --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg --extra-cflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --optflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --disable-htmlpages --enable-pic --disable-stripping --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --disable-openssl --enable-avresample --enable-libcdio --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libcelt --enable-libcdio --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --disable-encoders --disable-decoders --disable-muxers --disable-demuxers --enable-encoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,libvorbis' --enable-decoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,ljpeg,v210x,vorbis,vp3,vp5,vp6,vp6a,vp6f,vp8,vp9,otf,ttf,ass,srt,ssa,text' --enable-muxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska,matroska_audio,null,webm' --enable-demuxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska' --enable-x11grab
  avcodec     configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --shlibdir=/usr/lib64 --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg --extra-cflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --optflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --disable-htmlpages --enable-pic --disable-stripping --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --disable-openssl --enable-avresample --enable-libcdio --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libcelt --enable-libcdio --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --disable-encoders --disable-decoders --disable-muxers --disable-demuxers --enable-encoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,libvorbis' --enable-decoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,ljpeg,v210x,vorbis,vp3,vp5,vp6,vp6a,vp6f,vp8,vp9,otf,ttf,ass,srt,ssa,text' --enable-muxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska,matroska_audio,null,webm' --enable-demuxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska' --enable-x

--------||| Something removed because of too long post |||------------

encoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,libvorbis' --enable-decoder=',012v,ansi,apng,bmp,flac,exr,ffv1,ffvhuff,gif,huffyuv,jpegls,libopenjpeg,libtheora,libvpx,pam,pbm,pcx,pgm,png,pgmyuv,ppm,sgi,sunrast,targa,tiff,v210,v308,v408,v410,webp,xbm,xwd,y41p,yuv4,celt,flac,ilbc,opus,pcm_alaw,pcm_bluray,pcm_dvd,pcm_f32be,pcm_f32le,pcm_f64be,pcm_f64le,pcm_mulaw,pcm_s16be,pcm_s16be_planer,pcm_s16le,pcm_s16le_planar,pcm_s24be,pcm_s24le,pcm_s24le_planar,pcm_s32be,pcm_s32le,pcm_s32le_planar,pcm_s8,pcm_s8_planar,pcm_u16be,pcm_u16le,pcm_u24be,pcm_u24le,pcm_u32be,pcm_u32le,pcm_u8,speex,ljpeg,v210x,vorbis,vp3,vp5,vp6,vp6a,vp6f,vp8,vp9,otf,ttf,ass,srt,ssa,text' --enable-muxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska,matroska_audio,null,webm' --enable-demuxer='flac,gif,image2,image2pipe,matroska' --enable-x11grab
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libavresample   2.  1.  0 /  2.  1.  0
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
  libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
out.ogv: Invalid data found when processing input

I don’t know why there is so much output…
Anyway I’m sure out.ogv isn’t corrupted (I can correctly view it with VLC, but not with Dragon Player, it just doesn’t say anything).

your problem is that you have a lot of multimedia repositories and mixed packages from many of them, all multimedia on opensuse needs to come from packman repo #8 so you need to do

zypper dup --from 8

you had the crippled version of ffmpeg from OSS (Open Source Software so no restricted codecs there) installed that’s why got the long output telling that all patented codecs are disabled.
repo’s # 5 and #6 need to go as OBS does not carry patented codecs (xvid, mp3, h265, aac etc) do remove them, you can also remove #7 as libdvdcss does not change

zypper rr 5 6 7

but do it after you’ve done zypper dup --from 8 because if you remove them before the packman repo # will become 5

Ok, thanks, but when I run “zypper dup” zypper asks me to resolve a conflict (it’s in italian but I tried to translate it below):

@linux-0pix:~> sudo zypper dup --from "Packman Repository"
Lettura dei dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...
Calcolo dell'aggiornamento della distribuzione in corso...

Problema: vlc-noX-2.2.1-127.3.x86_64 richiede, ma non è possibile fornire questa richiesta.
  provider non installabili: libmatroska6-1.4.2-3.3.x86_64[]
 Soluzione 1: Le seguenti azioni verranno eseguite:
  mantenere vlc-noX-2.2.1-182.2.x86_64 obsoleto
  mantenere libvlccore8-2.2.1-182.2.x86_64 obsoleto
 Soluzione 2: Le seguenti azioni verranno eseguite:
  Disinstallazione di vlc-noX-2.2.1-182.2.x86_64
  Disinstallazione di phonon-backend-vlc-0.8.2-1.2.x86_64
  Disinstallazione di phonon4qt5-backend-vlc-0.8.2-2.3.x86_64
  Disinstallazione di vlc-codecs-2.2.1-127.3.x86_64
 Soluzione 3: Le seguenti azioni verranno eseguite:
  downgrade di libmatroska6-1.4.4-67.1.x86_64 a libmatroska6-1.4.2-3.3.x86_64
  installare libmatroska6-1.4.2-3.3.x86_64 (con cambio del produttore)
    obs://  -->  openSUSE
 Soluzione 4: interrompere vlc-noX-2.2.1-127.3.x86_64 ignorandone alcune dipendenze

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/3/4/a] (a): 


Problem: vlc-noX-2.2.1-127.3.x86_64 requires, but it's not possible to satisfy this request.
not installable providers: libmatroska6-1.4.2-3.3.x86_64 (

Solution 1: the following actions will be executed:
keep vlc-noX-etc.etc... obsolete
keep libvlccore-etc.etc... obsolete

Solution 2: the following actions will be executed:
Uninstall vlc-noX
uninstall phonon-backend-vlc...
uninstall phonon4qt5-backend-vlc...
Uninstall vlc-codecs...

Solution 3: the following actions will be executed:
downgrade libmatroska... to libmatroska6-1.4.2-3.3.x86_64
install libmatroska... (with vendor change)
from multimedia:libs to openSUSE

Solution 4: stop vlc-noX... by ignoring some of its dependencies

I think this error comes from because that page suggested me to install the phonon backend for vlc and remove the one from gstreamer.
Another thing, I used zypper dup --from “Packman Repository” instead of --from 8 because I accidentally removed the repos before and changed command to remove ambiguities. Anyway, the same thing happens with zypper dup --from 5.

You also said there is so much output from ffmpeg because it’s the one that only contains free codecs; how do I get the one with patented codecs?

your problem is you installed some packages from the multimedia:libs and multimedia:apps repo’s those are kind of like test repo’s where packages go before they go in the main reposetory
where did vlc come from what does it say

zypper se -si vlc libmatroska

where did you get vlc and libmatroska from?
you can remove vlc and libmatroska and then reinstall them from the propper repo’s
for matroska

zypper in -f vlc vlc-codecs libmatroska6 --from 8

replace 8 with packman’s number
ps you have 2 packman remove one

altermetax@linux-0pix:~> sudo zypper se -si vlc libmatroska
Lettura dei dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...

S | Nome                   | Tipo    | Versione    | Arch   | Repository                 
i | libmatroska6           | package | 1.4.4-67.1  | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | libvlc5                | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | libvlccore8            | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | phonon-backend-vlc     | package | 0.8.2-1.2   | x86_64 | Repository principale (OSS)
i | phonon4qt5-backend-vlc | package | 0.8.2-2.3   | x86_64 | Repository principale (OSS)
i | vlc                    | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | vlc-codecs             | package | 2.2.1-127.3 | x86_64 | Packman Repository         
i | vlc-gnome              | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | vlc-noX                | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | vlc-noX-lang           | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | noarch | (Pacchetti di sistema)     
i | vlc-qt                 | package | 2.2.1-182.2 | x86_64 | (Pacchetti di sistema)

Where “Pacchetti di sistema” means “System packages” and “Repository principale” means “Main Repository”.

And, I have already removed the second one (the one that was named only “packman” and not “Packman Repository”). The “Packman Repository” number is 5, and with zypper dup --from 5 the same thing as zypper dup --from “Packman Repository” happens.

there is a known bug on
phonon-backend-vlc does not work remove it and install phonon-backend-gstreamer

zypper rm phonon-backend-vlc
zypper in phonon-backend-gstreamer

I did that, but nothing changes…

did what?
can’t do a dup to packman, remove libmatroska5 and vlc and then reinstall them
or does ffmpeg not convert the ogm file?
your multimedia is broken and until you do a zypper dup --from packman it will not work!
uninstall those packages, remove the bad repo’s 5,6,7 and 10 (the extra packman) and then reinstall them

I did that
==> I removed vlc backend and then added the gstreamer backend

zypper se -si libmatroska6 vlc**
==> **Already posted above…

Anyway, after uninstalling and reinstalling libmatroska6 and vlc I can run zypper dup --from “Packman Repository”. I’m going to run it now, I will edit this post when finished.

I couldn’t edit the previous message (10 minuts expired) so I create a new one.

It’s finished, here’s the output:

altermetax@linux-0pix:~> sudo zypper dup --from "Packman Repository"
Lettura dei dati del repository in corso...
Lettura dei pacchetti installati in corso...
Calcolo dell'aggiornamento della distribuzione in corso...

The following 3 NEW packages are going to be installed:
  libdcadec0 libid3tag0 libvo-aacenc0

The following 30 packages are going to be downgraded:
  gstreamer-0_10 gstreamer-0_10-lang gstreamer-0_10-plugin-gnomevfs
  gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad-lang
  gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-lang
  gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-lang
  gstreamer-plugins-good-lang libchromaprint0 libgstapp-0_10-0
  libgstbasecamerabinsrc-0_10-23 libgstbasevideo-0_10-23 libgstcodecparsers-0_10-23
  libgstinterfaces-0_10-0 libgstphotography-0_10-23 libgstreamer-0_10-0
  libgstsignalprocessor-0_10-23 libgstvdp-0_10-23 libmlt++3 libmlt6 libmlt6-data
  libquicktime0 libsox3 libvidstab0_9 melt melt6 python-mlt sox

The following 31 packages are going to be reinstalled:
  gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang libavcodec56
  libavcodec-devel libavdevice56 libavdevice-devel libavfilter5 libavfilter-devel
  libavformat56 libavformat-devel libavresample2 libavresample-devel libavutil54
  libavutil-devel libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 libgstbadbase-1_0-0 libgstbadvideo-1_0-0

The following 61 packages are going to change vendor:
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->
    obs:// ->


30 packages to downgrade, 3 new, 31 to reinstall, 61  to change vendor.
Dimensione complessiva da scaricare: 12,5 MiB. Già nella cache: 0 B. Dopo
l'operazione, saranno usati ulteriori 6,5 MiB.
Continuare? [s/n/? mostra tutte le opzioni] (s): 
Recupero di package libid3tag0-0.15.1b-184.1.x86_64
                                               (1/64),  31,1 KiB (estratto  90,6 KiB)
Recupero di: libid3tag0-0.15.1b-184.1.x86_64.rpm .............................[fatto]
Recupero di package libvidstab0_9-0.98b-2.1.x86_64
                                               (2/64),  34,1 KiB (estratto  74,1 KiB)
Recupero di: libvidstab0_9-0.98b-2.1.x86_64.rpm ..............................[fatto]
Recupero di package libdcadec0-0.1.0-2.1.x86_64
                                               (3/64), 132,2 KiB (estratto 239,0 KiB)
Recupero di: libdcadec0-0.1.0-2.1.x86_64.rpm .................................[fatto]
Recupero di package libsoxr0-0.1.2-10.1.x86_64 (4/64),  74,2 KiB (estratto 211,5 KiB)
Recupero di: libsoxr0-0.1.2-10.1.x86_64.rpm ..................................[fatto]
Recupero di package libgstbadbase-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1.x86_64
                                               (5/64),  74,6 KiB (estratto  67,1 KiB)
Recupero di: libgstbadbase-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1.x86_64.rpm .......................[fatto]
Recupero di package libavutil54-2.8.4-45.1.x86_64
                                               (6/64), 140,9 KiB (estratto 310,8 KiB)
Recupero di: libavutil54-2.8.4-45.1.x86_64.rpm ...............................[fatto]
Recupero di package gstreamer-0_10-0.10.36-20.1.x86_64
                                               (7/64), 571,2 KiB (estratto   2,9 MiB)
Recupero di: gstreamer-0_10-0.10.36-20.1.x86_64.rpm ............[fatto (250,2 KiB/s)]
Recupero di package libgstwayland-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1.x86_64
                                               (8/64),  55,6 KiB (estratto  10,1 KiB)
Controllo dei conflitti tra file: ............................................[fatto]
( 1/64) Installazione di: libid3tag0-0.15.1b-184.1 ...........................[fatto]
( 2/64) Installazione di: libvidstab0_9-0.98b-2.1 ............................[fatto]
( 3/64) Installazione di: libdcadec0-0.1.0-2.1 ...............................[fatto]
( 4/64) Installazione di: libsoxr0-0.1.2-10.1 ................................[fatto]
( 5/64) Installazione di: libgstbadbase-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 .....................[fatto]
( 6/64) Installazione di: libavutil54-2.8.4-45.1 .............................[fatto]
( 7/64) Installazione di: gstreamer-0_10-0.10.36-20.1 ........................[fatto]
( 8/64) Installazione di: libgstwayland-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 .....................[fatto]
( 9/64) Installazione di: libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ............[fatto]
(10/64) Installazione di: libgstphotography-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 .................[fatto]
(11/64) Installazione di: libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ................[fatto]
(12/64) Installazione di: libgsturidownloader-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ...............[fatto]
(13/64) Installazione di: libgstgl-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ..........................[fatto]
(14/64) Installazione di: libvo-aacenc0-0.1.2-3.1 ............................[fatto]
(15/64) Installazione di: libmlt6-0.9.8-66.1 .................................[fatto]
(16/64) Installazione di: libgstmpegts-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ......................[fatto]
(17/64) Installazione di: gstreamer-plugins-good-lang-1.6.1-67.1 .............[fatto]
(18/64) Installazione di: gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang-1.6.1-91.1 ..............[fatto]
(19/64) Installazione di: gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang-1.6.1-54.1 .............[fatto]
(20/64) Installazione di: libsox3-14.4.2-39.1 ................................[fatto]
(21/64) Installazione di: libgstbadvideo-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ....................[fatto]
(22/64) Installazione di: libpostproc53-2.8.4-45.1 ...........................[fatto]
(23/64) Installazione di: libswresample1-2.8.4-45.1 ..........................[fatto]
(24/64) Installazione di: libswscale3-2.8.4-45.1 .............................[fatto]
(25/64) Installazione di: libavresample2-2.8.4-45.1 ..........................[fatto]
(26/64) Installazione di: libavutil-devel-2.8.4-45.1 .........................[fatto]
(27/64) Installazione di: libgstreamer-0_10-0-0.10.36-20.1 ...................[fatto]
(28/64) Installazione di: libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-1.6.1-91.1 ...............[fatto]
(29/64) Installazione di: libmlt6-data-0.9.8-66.1 ............................[fatto]
(30/64) Installazione di: libmlt++3-0.9.8-66.1 ...............................[fatto]
(31/64) Installazione di: melt6-0.9.8-66.1 ...................................[fatto]
(32/64) Installazione di: sox-14.4.2-39.1 ....................................[fatto]
(33/64) Installazione di: libavcodec56-2.8.4-45.1 ............................[fatto]
(34/64) Installazione di: libpostproc-devel-2.8.4-45.1 .......................[fatto]
(35/64) Installazione di: libavresample-devel-2.8.4-45.1 .....................[fatto]
(36/64) Installazione di: libswscale-devel-2.8.4-45.1 ........................[fatto]
(37/64) Installazione di: libswresample-devel-2.8.4-45.1 .....................[fatto]
(38/64) Installazione di: gstreamer-0_10-lang-0.10.36-20.1 ...................[fatto]

Anyway thank you! I just tried, now kdenlive can open the ogv (or ogm) file!
Also, the files from the Apple QuickTime website can be opened in kdenlive!
But there’s a problem, I can’t open an AVI h264 test file with kdenlive (crashes)… but this is OT (and I don’t even think I will use AVI files with kdenlive).

So, Thanks!

PS you didn’t answer my question above: how do I install the ffmpeg with proprietary codecs?

Do you have the gstreamer - good? if not try installing

That’s right there is good, bad and ugly…Some one liked spaghetti westerns :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried to convert the SAME video now, after installing gstreamer-plugins-good, bad and ugly from packman and this is the output:

altermetax@linux-0pix:~> ffmpeg -i out.ogv -c copy out.mp4
ffmpeg version 2.8.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 4.8 (SUSE Linux)
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --shlibdir=/usr/lib64 --incdir=/usr/include/ffmpeg --extra-cflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --optflags='-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -g' --disable-htmlpages --enable-pic --disable-stripping --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --disable-openssl --enable-avresample --enable-libcdio --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libcelt --enable-libcdio --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgsm --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-libschroedinger --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-pic --enable-pthreads --enable-vaapi --enable-vdpau --disable-decoder=dca --enable-libdcadec --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-version3 --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxvid --enable-x11grab
  libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
  libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
  libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
  libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
  libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
  libavresample   2.  1.  0 /  2.  1.  0
  libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
  libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
  libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
[ogg @ 0x174bfe0] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
Input #0, ogg, from 'out.ogv':
  Duration: 00:00:17.20, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 4259 kb/s
    Stream #0:0: Data: none
    Stream #0:1: Video: theora, yuv420p, 1920x1072 [SAR 1:1 DAR 120:67], 30 fps, 30 tbr, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
    Stream #0:2: Audio: vorbis, 22050 Hz, mono, fltp, 89 kb/s
[mp4 @ 0x19f0ae0] Codec for stream 0 does not use global headers but container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x19f0ae0] Codec for stream 1 does not use global headers but container format requires global headers
[mp4 @ 0x19f0ae0] Could not find tag for codec theora in stream #0, codec not currently supported in container
Output #0, mp4, to 'out.mp4':
    encoder         : Lavf56.40.101
    Stream #0:0: Video: theora, yuv420p, 1920x1072 [SAR 1:1 DAR 120:67], q=2-31, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
    Stream #0:1: Audio: vorbis ([221][0][0][0] / 0x00DD), 22050 Hz, mono, 89 kb/s
Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:0 (copy)
  Stream #0:2 -> #0:1 (copy)
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument

A out.mp4 is generated but if I open it with VLC it says it can’t understand its format…

I removed the -c copy argument from the command, now the mp4 is generated but vlc can’t open it:

Codec not supported:
VLC could not decode the format "h264" (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10))
Codec not supported:
VLC could not decode the format "mp4a" (MPEG AAC Audio)

Please help me…

and I can’t open with vlc any mp4 file (h264+mp4a) anymore… there seems to be no h264 codec anymore…

Ok (sorry another time for new message), there seemed to not be anymore the vlc-codecs package. Reinstalling it everything works.