Errors in OS 12.2 for Android ADT Bundle (not in OS 12.1) missing lib32 stuff, but not in pattern!

I installed the ADT bundle on my opensuse 12.1 64-bit and everything works perfectly. However, after installing on my openSUSE 12.2 machine, I’m getting a lot of errors. Errors such as:

aapt: error while loading shared libraries:


Failed to parse the output of adb version

Apparently the solution should be that I install the lib32 stuff. But two issues:

  1. When I go to YAST/Software, View-Patterns and choose 32-Bit Runtime Environment it says "nothing to do) (Same in zypper). If I select all in that pattern to install, it throws an error

  2. In my older openSUSE 12.1 (which is also 64bit) I do not have that 32-bit runtime pattern installed, yet everything works perfectly. I also don’t have a lib32 folder on that computer.

What could be wrong? Why are the two machines setup similarly yet one works and the other doesn’t? Where can I get the lib32 stuff from (I tried searching in YAST/Software for it but did not find it)

Although your Linux host may be 64bit, AFAIK today all android devices are 32bit so you need those libraries. This may be changing over the next year or two.


Is this a duplicate thread

Yes, sorry I realized it was in the wrong place and about the wrong title but the forum won’t let you delete old threads. :frowning:

In future you may Pm the admins, the one called “Global Moderators”. They may be willing to help you.
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