The sound settings are not loading. It shows following error message:
qrc:/kcm/kcm_pulseaudio/main.qml:20 No se puede cargar la biblioteca /usr/lib64/qt6/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/volume/ /usr/lib64/qt6/qml/org/kde/plasma/private/volume/ undefined symbol: _ZN12PulseAudioQt7Context12stateChangedEv
In my case I think this happened because I had the KDE:Extra repository installed and it was at a priority which was the same as the normal openSUSE priority, I have now lowered the priority of the repo so that the openSUSE ones take priority. Be aware that the higher the number the lower priority when you look at this. So normal openSUSE repos are 99 and now I have the KDE:Extra at 105 which means that the openSUSE ones will be used if any package is in more than one repo. The way priority works is 0 is the highest and 200 the lowest - a bit counter intuitive in my view but that’s the way it is!