It is not the URL of the actual repository. It is the URL of a no longer existing link to the real repository. If you post the output of “zypper lr -Ed” someone could give you the command to fix your repository list.
It would be interesting to know where you got that non-standard repository link from.
For me it became invalid two days ago. I removed it from my repo list yesterday. I have no idea how it ever got into the list, but I think it resolved to the TW oss one.
“pretty standard” ?? By no means. You have lots of home:/ repos active, which are user repos for packagers, where they can and will break things because these repos are meant for that. And, this breaks the concept of Tw being openqa tested, since home:/ and devel:/ repos are untested, unlike every Tw snapshot. To be honest: I call this a mess.
Anyway above is not related to the topic. Problem is solved. Bad that standard openSUSE repo does not contain many software so need to use community repos. Also not all packages are up-to-date.
Like @Knurpht want to say:
Try to stick with a few repositories, preferably TW ones.
Like ArchLinux philosophy: keep it simple. Only keep it simple not anything else.
That might be what you are convinced of, but you ask for help, thus those who try to help you will try to understand your working environment as good as possible. And they will try to find the odd thing in places where you probably won’t think of. Because you were already working on this for some time and did not found the solution, conclusion then might be that it is to be found in another place where you did not look at all. That is how helping in error searching often works.
Or to say it short: when you say that something hasn’t anything to do with the problem, a good helper will then go specially there to inverstigate.
And last, as I and others already tried to tell you, you saying that you have a “pretty standard” set of repos gave many of us a good story for today.
You might need them for what you want to do, but that is not the same as it being a standard setup.
What? Tw mostly is only 24-48 hours behind upstream KDE and GNOME, has the latest stable kernel, and > 12413 package-builds which bring a total of > 18000 packages in the OSS and NON-OSS repo. The repos you’re using are not ‘community repos’ they’re packager’s home repos. The procedure if you want packages in Tw: ask the maintainer to submit the package to Tw. That way the package would be integrated in the openqa testing.
This problem may be solved, but expect more instabilities/errors/non-working software. The integrity of your install is already broken. But, hey :), it’s your system.
Having 29 enebled repositories for a rolling distribution certainly cannot be considered “standard”, especially when they include those for other distributions.
You appear to have hand selected your repositor list rather than using the OpenSUSE defaults/recommendations for Tumbleweed.
Do not tell tales to me please. They can’t add some packages for about month or years: acestream, pgadmin4, matrix riot, tortoisehg, goldendict (old version), deepin, additional icons, themes, xmlcopyeditor, qtox, ring, and many many others.
I’m not telling tales, rather sharing knowledge. But, if you prefer to stick to what you think, good luck, don’t complain if your system gets in a beyond-repair state. I’m out. And ‘they’ is you and me and all the others in this community.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that you can use the credentials from the forums to start building missing packages in your own repo. Then submit them to Tw, after review they will be added.