i installed opensuse 10.3 and kde 3.5
i open yast to configure modem but i received xmessage:
yast got signal 11 at ycp file network/routines.ycp:594
/sbin/yast2:line 386:6417 segmention fault
$ybindir/y2base $module “$@” “$SELECTED_GUI”$Y2_GEOMETRY $Y2QT_ARGS
what can i do?
You installed 10.3 for a reason? Recently?
Is this the first time you have run Yast or has the error just started to happen?
i instelled opensuse 10.3 two month ago
no,it has just started to happen
last time,i connected successfully
but today when i decided to connect,that happened to me
i use usb modem
Ok. Probably due to a kernel update
Did you configure your usb modem? Do the same again!
it happend due to bad reprository
i disabled it and solved problem