Error Message Trying To Run Live KDE on a USB thumb drive

Howdy Everyone,

First off, been a fan of openSUSE for years now and peridocially go back and forth between Suse and Windows. However, I’m still an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to this stuff. Well, I bought a netbook (Acer Aspire ONE) several months back and loved Win 7 (a first for me). However, like all Windows, they all go down the crapper. So I’m wanting to completely wipe out Windows and go all Suse on my netbook.

So I downloaded KDE Live and “burned” it on my USB. BTW, the image writer that are in the directions only writes, .raw files not .iso. I had to use a third party software.

I then went into my BIOS and put the USB drive first on the booting list, and then restarted. Right off the bat I get the error message…

Could not find kernel image: gfxboot

All I want to do is install openSUSE on my netbook.

Thanks everyone for the support! This place is great and a huge supporter of the project.

Try the dd method outlined. Also simply changing th .iso ectention to .raw is said to work. Can’t comment on third party solution not knowing what they are.

Thanks gogalthorp. What did the trick was simply changing the .iso to a .raw. Worked like a charm! Funny how the simple things always hold up everything. BTW, the third party software I used that didn’t work was from UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads.

Thanks again! This is a great community!


Yes UNetbootn is known not to work with OpenSuse at this time.

Glad you got it working