My pc got stuck one morning recently (certainly mixed up ide and sata drivers and changed the name of disks …)
My aim is to find a way to a non moving install. SO that disks can NOT be renamed by the OS.
I guess UUID is the better way to fix this annoying problem.
Am i right ?
Have you been investigating this matter before ?
Here’s what i did :
i did a fresh install of opensuse 11.2
I erased swap, /, /home and kept some previous partitions like /data1 …
in yast partitioner i used uuid option in fstab for everything : is this supposed to work ?
after the install i can use the pc but the system is very slow to respond while downloading . For example adding 3 repositories will take something like 20 minutes
After some updates : codecs, kde … i reboot the pc.
I can see the Bios logo and then comes a black screen and a message in the top left corner :
error loading operating system
Nothing more.
¨Pc not starting at all.
Any tips or ideas are welcome