after an upgrade OpenSuse 13.1 → 13.2 during boot a short message is shown after BIOS continues to grub2 just before the grub menu entries
loading boot menu
error invalid boot environment block”
it disappears quickly and continues normally to the boot menu. After that I keep the default boot menu to boot OpenSuse 13.2 and it boots normally. How can I proceed exactly to fix that “error invalid boot environment block” or to get a glim where to look?
I googled and found on ubuntu sites http://askubuntu.com/questions/624781/error-environment-block-too-small-press-any-key-to-continue something, but the commands are slightly different on OpenSuse.
Digging in /var/log/messages I find it also when I try to use the features of hibernate or suspend to disk (which both do not work):
/usr/bin/grub2-editenv: error: invalid environment block.
Any concrete help advices?
Thank you very much,
Infinite Dao