Error installing tilix

Hi, When I try to install tilix I get this zypper warning.

@localhost ~> sudo zypper in tilix
[sudo] contraseña para root: 
Cargando datos del repositorio...
Leyendo los paquetes instalados...
Resolviendo dependencias de paquete...

Problema: nada proporciona, que el elemento tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64 que se va a instalar necesita
 Solución 1: no instalar tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64
 Solución 2: romper tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64 ignorando algunas de sus dependencias

Elija las soluciones usando '1' o cancele usando 'c' [1/2/c/i/?] (c): c


tilix failed to build so what you have in repositories is the last successfully built binary. The required library was updated in the meantime and is no more available. You could try to fetch required version from Tumbleweed history if it is still available. Otherwise you can either fix this package so it builds or wait until someone else does it.

P.S. this is English speaking forum. Please post command output in English or post in your language part of this forum.

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Thank you for your answer and sorry that the language of my terminal is not the language of the forum, how can I temporarily put the terminal in English to put the post in the forum? Regards

Prepend your command with LC_ALL=C

LC_ALL=C sudo zypper in tilix
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Thank you. I’ll keep this in mind for my next interventions in the forum.

@localhost ~> LC_ALL=C sudo zypper in tilix 
[sudo] password for root: 
Retrieving repository 'Packman' metadata .....................................................[done]
Building repository 'Packman' cache ..........................................................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64
 Solution 1: do not install tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64
 Solution 2: break tilix-1.9.5-2.2.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c):