Error installing OpenSUSE 11.3 on Dell T3500 Desktop

Yes, caf4926 it was the RAID controller which was causing the problem. Thanks for the hint. This is how it got working:

  1. Enter the Dell T3500 setup and navigate to Settings > Drives >SATA Operation
  2. There would be three options: RAID Autodetect / AHCI; RAID Autodetect / ATA; RAID on. By default the “RAID on” option would be selected.
  3. Select “RAID Autodetect / ATA” instead and then go ahead with the installation.

After changing the “SATA Operation” option, the OpenSUSE DVD was detected and the install went through. However, OpenSUSE 11.1 and 11.2 didn’t get confused with the default “RAID on” option and could be installed without any trouble. I wonder what has changed in 11.3 to cause this weird behavior.
