It was a little bit of a bumpy ride but my install of openSUSE is about how I expected it to be when installed as 12.2 MS2.
MS2 gave grief over boot loader
MS3 Nvidia installs, driver 295.44 puked (not really a suse issue). nouveau still locks up here after a few windows open.
Factory seems to have almost conquered Plymouth (cough:::Nvidia:::gets some blame here too! Old work arounds “video=vesafb:mtrr:3,ywrap” still needed to play nice.)
systemd-analyze blame is fun. Try it if you haven’t. I started with a boot of 108s got it down to 35s with Plymouth splash! Not fast but I was happy with it.
Having to use Flashplayer 10 archive from Adobe is mindblowingly insane but thats what it took to get Youtube videos to play. Thank goodness for HTML5 being almost usable. (Never thought I’d say that!) But still this really gets me as for most of us flash has become an everyday thing like “traffic and weather” to us. I loath flash personally but its not feasible to go without at this time.
All in all I’d say 12.2 release will be a solid system at this pace.