Hi there,
I’d heard that MariaDB has effectively replaced MySQL in opensuse.
I want to enable one of the two to use in Owncloud.
In YAST it still says MySQL.
Is that actually starting/enabling MariaDB, or MySQL?
Hi there,
I’d heard that MariaDB has effectively replaced MySQL in opensuse.
I want to enable one of the two to use in Owncloud.
In YAST it still says MySQL.
Is that actually starting/enabling MariaDB, or MySQL?
MariaDB is installed by default, if for example, you install the LAMP pattern.
It’s merely called ‘mysql’ in the services for historical compatibility reasons.
That’s correct.
But if you mean in YaST->Software Management, both are still included in the distribution.
“mysql-community-server” is the original MySQL, whereas MariaDB’s package name is “mariadb”.
You can also run “mysql -V” to find out which one you are using…
If you are using MySQL, and want to switch to MariaDB, just install “mariadb”. Or the other way round.
Not now; I have mariadb 10 installed which is not wholly compatible with mysql any longer. You can swap but the recommended way is to create a backup with mysqldump, delete the existing installation, install the new one and then copy the files from the backup. The last wholly compatible versions were 5.5.
You are right of course.
Switching is doable, but well, I shouldn’t have mentioned it…
But then, the question (and my answer) was only about the server, not the databases.
And MySQL and MariaDB should be compatible from a client’s point of view.
cheers, as long as the YAST enabled “MySQL” service is calling MariaDB i’m happy (might as well use the recommended service).
p.s. are there other areas i might bump into confusion enabling ownlcoud to use the Dafault opensuse database (i.e. MariaDB)?
Thank you all.
You’d have to be doing something fairly specialised to encounter differences; anything straightforward isn’t going to be affected. The mariadb documentation at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/ sets out clearly where there are differences.
aha, that is at a lower level that i am anticipating.
really only thinking of initial owncloud setup, where i tell it not to use SQLlite, and look for (m)SQL instead.
will owncloud point itself to mariadb, or will it be looking for mysql, when it is mariadb i enabled in the YAST services (even though it says mysql).
To this date I’m yet to encounter any application that doesn’t work on MariaDB out of the box compared to MySQL.
With support for things like TokuDB and Galera Cluster out of the box, if anything, MariaDB now offers more features than MySQL.
OwnCloud will not “point itself” to anything, I would say.
I don’t know owncloud from experience, but normally you’d have to tell it during installation/configuration to which mysql server it should connect.
This communication runs via sockets or TCP, so it doesn’t care at all nor chooses whether mariadb or mysql (or whatever else that might provide the same interface) runs. It just connects to the running instance that you tell it to connect to.
And it’s the same with all other clients.
So, if you installed mariadb and are starting mariadb during boot, and tell owncloud to connect to localhost, it’d be using mariadb of course.
Like Miuku, john_hudson and wolfi323 writes, It shouldn’t be any problem at all. I installed Owncloud 7 on MariaDB(on a openSUSE13.1 srv) following the guide at:
As you can see there is not mentioned anything special for using MariaDB instead of MySQL. The only problem I have run into was when I was upgrading Owncloud7 to->Owncloud8. But that could depend on my setup (not standard).
Otherwise I’m very pleased with Owncloud and that I can reach/sync my files from I-net in a easy way.
Good luck!