Hello Folks…
As per my usual habit when I figure out a tricky problem with suse I like to make a post here in the forum to help other head-scratching suse users....
I am trying to set up wake-up-on-lan, I managed to suspend successfully with 's2ram -f' and wake up with 'wol <mac-address>'. The problem was whenever I restarted my machine WOL was disabled on my network device. I wanted to make sure it was enabled even after a restart, instead of manually running ethtool for every restart...
There are two ways. Yast or manually...
The easy yast way is simple:
Open yast and navigate as follows:
Network Devices->Network Settings
Select your device and edit the settings
Select the Hardware tab
Under Ethtool Options add the following:
“wol g”
- Press Next/Ok to apply the settings
The manually way:
- Suse stores the network device settings in /etc/sysconfig/network
1a) there you will find ifcfg-<your_device> - Edit this file, you should see an option ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=’<options_list>’
- Add “wol g” for the options
- Save and exit this file…
- To reload the new networking settings run ifup <your_device>
Thats all
Take Care