I have a lot of stuff collected in the /tmp directory. Is it safe to delete these files or is it better to leave them?
I have a lot of stuff collected in the /tmp directory. Is it safe to delete these files or is it better to leave them?
If your system doesn’t use them, they will be automatically deleted.
I think that you can safely delete /tmp content, but there is a more elegant way.
Open yast2->/etc/sysconfig editor
Look under Cron.
There you will find several variables that you can set related to /tmp dir.
Look in particular at CLEAR_TMP_DIRS_AT_BOOTUP, if you set this to yes, then the system will delete /tmp content on every boot (the default value is no at least in 11.1 RC1)
I hope this help.
No, not always true. Only if there is a scavenger cron job.
Thanks for all your help
this tread help me too with understanding this