email and password change

I try to change my email in the web interface, but it tells me (after I enter it in) that my password is incorrect.

Is there a way to make this work?

Also, does that area allow for ssl so my password isn’t sent as plaintext?


I’m having the same difficulty. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance:)

Having the same problem here as well. Maybe the password is encrypted in the database, but not when you enter it into the change password field. Not necessarily what the problem might be, but just an idea.

Do you use your Novell Accounts for Login or do you use old Forumaccounts. If you use Novell Accounts (like me) then i suspect that you can only change it on because it is a centralised Domain.

Well, I created the account here on the openSUSE forums; I didn’t migrate.

I changed my email on the Novell Account page; but, it hasn’t been reflected here quite yet.

On another note, I did not like how the Novell Account page forced me to input many personal details (phone, address, etc.) I suggest those requirements be removed.


Hi Everyone. Sorry for the problems you’re having. Let me explain how things work and perhaps that will help you understand what is happening.

The vBulletin software used to run these forums has it’s own user database where things like username, email, password, etc. are stored. Usually when someone logs into a vBulletin server, that’s what’s used to authenticate the user. We don’t do it that way however.

These forums have been integrated into the openSUSE/Novell login system (some people call it the “iChain” login system). When you click on the LOGIN link in the forums, it takes you away from the forums and into the iChain system. There you are either authenticated based on the credentials you have there OR you create new credentials and login. That system then sends you back to the forums as an authenticated user.

If your user ID is already in the forums user database, both iChain and vBulletin are happy and you are logged in (*without using any forum specific login credentials).

If your user ID does not already exist in the forum user databse, iChain tells vBulletin that you are an authenticated user and vBulletin creates a user profile for you in vBulletin behind the scenes and you are logged in.

Now you understand how that works, you can understand what can happen if you change your user profile in iChain. As long as your user ID matches and you are logged in, both iChain and vBulletin will be happy but what gets changed in iChain doesn’t necessarily get changed in vBulletin. If you want something changed in the forums database, you need to use the CONTACT US link on the bottom of these pages or directly contact a forum administrator and we’ll be happy to change it for you.

As for not requiring personal information, we’re part of the openSUSE site and it’s not up to us as forum administrators to change the way they do things. I’d suggest you take that issue up with the folks over the openSUSE web pages. However, there isn’t really much need to be worried about that because of the privacy policy you can find here.

Thanks for your reply, kgroneman. I am sorry for whining a little - I really do like these forums.

Just to make sure it is clear for me - Are the openSUSE wiki/buildservice/forum databases and Novell login iChain accounts the exact same? I just ask because there is much disparity between the openSUSE login pages and the Novell login page.


Just been testing this so a

FYI kgroneman

When I go to Welcome to - openSUSE and choose login it logs in without doing anything. If you log out there it also logs out over here.

If I go it logs me straight out, guessing that might be something to do with the https bit. But once logged in over there I’m logged back in.

I suspect it is to be expected but in usability it seems a little strange/awkward. Only really would come about if you didn’t actually log into the build service but had visited the front page whilst logged in else where.

Just FYI.

I don’t consider it whining. Have you ever read the book “Who moved my cheese?” or seen the movie? Everyone here has had their cheese seriously moved, including me. I’m glad questions are being asked.

Just to make sure it is clear for me - Are the openSUSE wiki/buildservice/forum databases and Novell login iChain accounts the exact same? I just ask because there is much disparity between the openSUSE login pages and the Novell login page.

They are not…and they are. :smiley: the openSUSE login is more or less a subset of the Novell login with different requirements. It is all one system, but “different directories”. I’m not an expert in the login system, but that’s how it was explained to me.

Well, I can foresee these forums becoming quite popular with the quality of this distribution being so high; and I could see that many people asking for email and password changes might become a bother; so, is there any other way to be able to alter the information in the ‘subset’ of openSUSE credentials?


For now, we’ll deal with them as they come.

same problem editing my email settings “wrong password” it cried! If I change my email settings at will it change my email settings at bugzilla? I’ve been trying to find a way to change my bugzilla email addy, and I can’t.

So now the question is:

Since I changed my password in my Novell Account and it didn’t proliferate to my openSUSE account, which password would allow me to be recognized through NNTP?

(I supposed I could just do tests, but I am too sleepy at the moment - maybe tomorrow.)


If I change my email settings at will it change my email settings at bugzilla?

See post #6 in this thread.

Since I changed my password in my Novell Account and it didn’t proliferate to my openSUSE account, which password would allow me to be recognized through NNTP?

Neither. NNTP doesn’t require a password.

Thanks. Can an email addy in Bugzilla be changed?


> Can an email addy in Bugzilla be changed?

I’m a forums person, I don’t deal with Bugzilla. I assume if you change your
email address in the openSUSE Login it will change in Bugzilla. Give it a