I have a simple suggestion to make to this great forum Admins.
Yesterday I was editing a post an it took me a bit of changes to make.
When I made the submition there was a pop-up warning about a time-out of 10 minutes.
I really think this time-out is too short … can that be at least the session time … that would be a more reasonable time-out.
> I really think this time-out is too short … can that be at least the
> session time … that would be a more reasonable time-out.
or, just do ALL of your editing before you click the “Post”
button…that way you CAN go all the way to the end of the session
limit (which should be, imo, about 24 hours, or years)…
I always write a lot of non-sense the first time I reply, so … almost always there are errors, bad English … whatever.
Your solution is of course obvious … if not for the fact that in the middle of the editing … you had to pick up the phone …
and that particular phone call lasts more then 10 minutes …
Or … you had to go to outside to talk with your neighbor and when you return your cat is quietly seating on the keyboard and there is no editing window any more
On Fri, 08 May 2009 17:36:01 +0000, keyb user wrote:
> Or … you had to go to outside to talk with your neighbor and when you
> return your cat is quietly seating on the keyboard
That’s what the screensaver is for. Even at home, I always lock my
screens so my cats can’t type on my behalf.
This topic has been covered many, many times before up here. The timeout
is set as it is because there are users who use the web interface and
there are users who use the NNTP interface. The NNTP interface doesn’t
allow messages to be edited.
A compromise was reached that messages from the web interface will be
held for 10 minutes (except, I think, in the polls/surveys forum where
there is no editing allowed at all) to allow for quick changes to
Some people still routinely object to that and think that us NNTP users
are the scourge of the earth and whatnot - and I’m sure at least one of
these purists will again raise their objections now that there’s a new
therad on the topic, even though the discussion has been had already and
the decision is made.
In addition to what hendersj says about NNTP, there is also the issue of changing the context of a post after a person has responded to it invalidating the response or even making a response dangerous:
ORIGINAL: I love springtime
REPLY: Me too! The breezes, the kids playing, it’s all just wonderful
CHANGED ORIGINAL: I love child porn
Yea, radical, but you can see how a reply to a technical question might be changed from helpful to potentially dangerous depending on how the original post is changed. 10 minutes should give people plenty of time to change spelling/grammar etc. If some technical detail needs to be changed or was left out, it’s best to post a follow up message after 10 minutes so all replies stay in context.
> Your solution is of course obvious … if not for the fact that in the
> middle of the editing … you had to pick up the phone …
> and that particular phone call lasts more then 10 minutes …
> Or … you had to go to outside to talk with your neighbor and when you
> return your cat
how about this then:
open a text editor (like kate/kwrite/emacs) or even a WORD PROCESSOR
and do all the editing, wurd speling and grammatical checking you
want…check it 14 times if you wish and THEN click on the reply
button, copy/past the PERFECT text into the reply window and THEN
check it ONE more time before you click the “Post” button…
On 5/9/2009 3:26 AM, Chrysantine wrote:
> hendersj;1983320 Wrote:
>> Some people still routinely object to that and think that us NNTP users
>> are the scourge of the earth and whatnot
> Aww, the cross weighing too heavily on your back again?
Personal attacks are not accepted and any more going forward will be
subject to moderation action. This is a warning for all members of this
First … my intention was by no means to cause a … “massive” reply disruption
And I am sorry for not checking the forum for this issue. My fault.
And I know the problem is indeed that anyone should use first a text editor and fully review what is written.
but as we all know … in theory, practice and theory are the same, but not in practice. …
Well, I did not think about this one! When I replied in here it is really intended to make my best effort to help … not to trick users.
But that is indeed a great risk! I must admit this one is a very good argument, no doubt.
I could also think of a Lot of answer that can kill a users system … very nasty ones …
humm … I would say that site admins must be on the look out for this … “events” from “helpful” people … never thought about it …
Ok, to sum it all up … I will do my best to make my cat go out when I reply to posts :sarcastic: … I will not make any promises about the text editor … or the quality of the written English …
Well, that’s why I wrote “for people using the webinterface” (or should I have used “browser” to make it more clear?).
And by actually reading the posts here, In also know, that the person starting the thread is using the webinterface, because otherwise he could not edit his posts as stated here: