I have updated my Tumbleweed installation to Gnome 3.20. (hp pavilion g7 laptop)
But there is no longer the option in “mouse/touchpad” to select 2 finger or edge scrolling.
I am used to edge scrolling, so is there an other way to enable this function?
I tried it with dconf-editor (/org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/)
But no touchpad was listed there.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I have added the key, but Dconf-editor is telling me that there is “No Schema Found”
The description says (when you select the key):
“No schema available. Dconf Editor can find a schema associated with this key.
The application that installed this key may have been removed, may have stop the use of this key,
or may use a relocatable scheme for defining its keys.”
Unless they tweaked something in the last TW, the gschema involved should be/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.gschema.xml
installed by gsettings-desktop-schemas
The relevant section should read:
<schema gettext-domain="gsettings-desktop-schemas" id="org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad" path="/org/gnome/desktop/peripherals/touchpad/">
<key name="edge-scrolling-enabled" type="b">
<summary>Whether edge scrolling is enabled</summary>
<description>When disabled, touchpads that only support edge scrolling (and not 2-finger scrolling) will have that feature disabled.</description>
In a terminal you should be able to do the following:
Looks like the schema has changed for Gnome 3.20, also check that xf86-input-libinput is installed and if edge-scrolling is true all should be good…?
It seems that the settings from the 3.18 version (e.g. “scroll-method”) are still in place and maybe interfere with the new Gnome 3.20 settings (e.g. “edge-scrolling-enabled”).
Check with a new user, if scrolling is as expected you may choose to rename (or delete) /home/jsteen/.config/dconf/user and rebuild your Gnome preferences from scratch.
Hi, I had the same problem and I registered just to tell you about a workaround I learned from Fedora.
Follow these steps and you can get your edge-scrolling to work:
Install " xinput "
logout and login to Gnome 3.20 again.
open a terminal and run: **xinput list
** - look for your touchpad and remember the ID. On my laptop with an Elantech touchpad the ID is 14.
create a file called **edge-scroll-workaround.desktop in /usr/share/applications/ **for every user or for just 1 user in **~/.local/share/applications/ **
with your favorite texteditor place the following in that file:
**[Desktop Entry]
Name=Edge scroll workaround
Exec=/usr/bin/xinput set-prop 14 “libinput Scroll Method Enabled” 0, 1, 0 ** // Replace 14 with the ID of your touchpad! **
6) If you don’t have gnome-tweak-tool installed, do so and run it.
7) In Gnome-tweak-tool go to: **Startup Applications 8) press + and search for edge-scroll-workaround **and add it.
9) logout and log in again.
10) pro-tip: you might want to disable Natural Scrolling for the Touchpad in **‘Settings’ **- **‘Mouse and Touchpad’