After upgrade from 15.2 to 15.3 i cannot install eclipse or netbeans. - shows available package for 15.2, but not for 15.3
same for
Is there a way to install it by zypper/yast?
Can anyone explain, what happens with repositories for 15.3 comparing 15.2? May be i should add some repo?
The package search page currently doesn’t work for openSUSE Leap 15.3
For now though, you can use opi…
sudo zypper in opi
Use it to search for a given package…
opi <package name>
BTW, ‘zypper se -s eclipse netbeans’ (openSUSE Leap 15.3) turned up results for eclipse and netbeans packages.
No, you can not. opi is using exactly the same OBS API as and fails in exactly the same way. Moreover, for s.o.o proposed fix was merged so what is left is deploying fixed code, while for opi I do not see any fix nor even open issue.
The correct workflow is to always use zypper/YaST Software Management to search for available packages and only use web/opi if zypper/yast fail.
No, you can not. opi is using exactly the same OBS API as and fails in exactly the same way. Moreover, for s.o.o proposed fix was merged so what is left is deploying fixed code, while for opi I do not see any fix nor even open issue.
The correct workflow is to always use zypper/YaST Software Management to search for available packages and only use web/opi if zypper/yast fail.
I demonstrated that with zypper already.
I also ran the opi command and it returned the following results
# opi netbeans
1. netbeans-resolver
2. netbeans-javaparser
3. netbeans-svnclientadapter
4. netbeans-lejos
5. netbeans
Choose a number(0 to quit): 0
linux-4k1z:~ # opi eclipse
1. redeclipse
2. eclipse-gef
3. eclipse-egit
4. eclipse-jgit
5. eclipse-swtbot
6. eclipse-nebula
7. eclipse-anyedit
8. eclipse-swtchart
9. eclipse-collections
10. trac-plugin-eclipse
11. eclipse-jdt
12. eclipse-pde
13. eclipse-swt
14. redeclipse-data
15. eclipse-platform
16. eclipse-license2
17. eclipse-license1
18. redeclipse-server
19. eclipse-ecf-sdk
20. eclipse-gef-sdk
21. eclipse-emf-sdk
22. eclipse-emf-xsd
23. eclipse-ecf-core
24. eclipse-emf-core
25. eclipse-gef-tests
26. eclipse-ecf-runtime
27. eclipse-emf-runtime
28. eclipse-equinox-osgi
29. eclipse-p2-discovery
30. eclipse-jdt-bootstrap
31. eclipse-pde-bootstrap
32. eclipse-swt-bootstrap
33. entangle-plugin-eclipse
34. eclipse-anyedit-javadoc
35. eclipse-contributor-tools
36. eclipse-platform-bootstrap
37. eclipse-collections-javadoc
38. eclipse-ecf-core-bootstrap
39. eclipse-emf-core-bootstrap
40. eclipse-equinox-osgi-bootstrap
41. eclipse-p2-discovery-bootstrap
42. eclipse
Choose a number(0 to quit): 0
Okay, now I understand that the opi workaround mentioned here (and a number of other places)…
only returned the third party results. So, yes, stay with the ‘zypper se…’ method.
So “opi” is out of discussion.
Going back to available packages.
This advice can be used download available rpm for different Opensuse versions.
But there is “There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.3”.
I tried
Click yellow button “Show experimental packages” - for any available distribution (Tumbleweed, Leap 15.2, etc.).
Search for “ALL Distributions” to get full list.
For the first run in a browser perform changes “ALL Distributions” -> “openSUSE Tumbleweed” (or any other) -> “ALL Distributions” to get working search setting.
But in does not work for me.
I cannot believe that Eclipse and Netbean were thrown away in Leap 15.3.
But i still can’t find the way to install correct version for Leap 15.3. ( not RPM from other distribution )
That is not correct, as I mentioned back in post #3 …
zypper se -s eclipse netbeans
Install netbeans…
sudo zypper in netbeans
Unfortunately is is not working for me. Mb i should add some repos?
zypper se -s netbeans
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Type | Version | Arch | Repository
| netbeans-javaparser | package | 6.8-bp153.1.17 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss
| netbeans-javaparser | srcpackage | 6.8-bp153.1.17 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Source
| netbeans-resolver | package | 6.7.1-bp153.1.17 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss
| netbeans-resolver | srcpackage | 6.7.1-bp153.1.17 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Source
| netbeans-svnclientadapter | package | 6.7.1-bp153.1.18 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss
| netbeans-svnclientadapter | srcpackage | 6.7.1-bp153.1.18 | noarch | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Source
linux-0p5a:~ # zypper in netbeans
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'netbeans' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
No provider of 'netbeans' found.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
linux-0p5a:~ # zypper lr | grep Yes
1 | | Update Repository (Non-Oss) | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
2 | | openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
3 | | KDE:Qt5 | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
5 | | KDE:Frameworks5 | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
7 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever} | GEO_openSUSE | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
8 | openSUSE_Leap_${releasever}_2 | openSUSE_Leap_15.3 | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
10 | | Packman Repository | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
12 | repo-backports-update | Update repository of openSUSE Backports | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
17 | repo-non-oss | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Non-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
18 | repo-oss | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Oss | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
20 | repo-sle-update | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
21 | repo-source | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Source | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
23 | repo-update | openSUSE-Leap-15.3-Update | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
24 | standard | kernel:HEAD | Yes | (r ) Yes | Yes
After upgrade from 15.2 to 15.3 i cannot install eclipse or netbeans.
openSUSE Software - shows available package for 15.2, but not for 15.3
Search page was fixed and now also shows package for 15.3. But you could also search for it with zypper/YaST just as well.
same for openSUSE Software
There is no netbeans for 15.2 either so I am not sure how upgrade from 15.2 is relevant here. Netbeans was deleted from factory 10 years ago (Request 87818: Delete netbeans - openSUSE Build Service ) which means it is not available in any openSUSE distribution since that point.
Is there a way to install it by zypper/yast?
zypper in eclipse
For netbeans - how did you install it for 15.2 in the first place?
September 16, 2021, 7:49pm