Easy LTSP PXE boot

So, i have configured kiwi-ltsp with easy-ltsp and gone through the prebuild image setup.
Client starts up with PXE all good right up to where you choose boot options, it just keeps counting down from 5sec and start over again, debug options wont start either.
Has this something to do with it not being able to boot the image?

I had the same problem. It would boot the kiwi-ltsp screen, count down and reboot again. I had to go into yast and down load a kiwi pre-built image. Just installing kiwi won’t do. You have to download the pre-built image. After that, fine, I would get the log in screen. Using easy-ltsp, i added clients 001 and 002 to the default selection. I then put in 001 for username, and 001 for the password. It then tries to login and I end up with a blank screen. That is where I am at this point. I got an ltsp system running about 3 years ago. I forgot how now…I’m sure there is a conceptual manual out there somewhere. If I don’t find it and get my ltsp running, I just might have to write one. Jan Weber has a presentation graphics out there that although neat to look at, tells me absolutely nothing. Oh well, onward, through the fog…