I simply cannot get filezilla to work.
It wont even pass its own test, yet on a friends mac, ‘fetch’ works fine.
I need an FTP program for my Linux machine (OpenSuse KDE).
Could someone please recommend one that I can get with YAST ?
I just need to access a remote host to upload some files for a site.
I’m afraid I am not advanced enough to download libraries.
I am a click and install user, rather unfortunately :embarrassed:
I wouldnt know how to install a Gnome app with libraries on kde.
Filezilla just refuses to work.
It always says connection time out, no matter what config I tried, passive, active…etc… 4 days now.
it doesnt seem to like my router maybe??
I’ll give it a try.
If it was FW issues, I dont understand how the mac was able to work without problems, as well as dreamweaver etc…
Some people (I have heard) use dolphin for FTP, but I have no idea how to do that.
I got as far as it connecting and not able to read anything because I dont know where I should enter the login info.
on the other hand, you wrote: “I wouldnt know how to install a Gnome
app with libraries on kde.” which is not a problem, just open YaST, go
Software Management, search on gftp and select to install it…and,
wait a second back because YaST does all the hard parts of deciding
what libs you need and will pop up a (probably long) list of things
that must be installed in order for you to run a Gnome app in KDE…
and, it will ask you if that ok…just click yes and you are an
instant Linux Wizard.
on the THIRD hand, the first responder to any question here may or may not have the right answer for you…for example the answer came
from a Gnome user, but you are a KDE user, so maybe you would be
real happy with KFTPgrabber <http://www.kftp.org/> which is
available via YaST or http://software.opensuse.org/search
[and it should install a lot less new supporting stuff]
i’ve never tried it, i just find the FF thing too easy for fast needs
and wget perfect for all other needs
I cant find any of those programs…
I dont understand what I am doing wrong.
the repos I jave (since I cant seem to be able to upload a pic in the post directly) are:
ok, I downloaded kftp from the link and it was installed.
It looks great.
it is stuck at ‘establishing data connection’, which points to some problem that I cant place my finger on.
If it was a firewall problem from my side, it wouldnt have made it passed the login to the server right?
What could it be?
Dolphin is the easiest for me. So good for copy/paste as if the ftp target is in your filesystem, accessible from Dolphin via a bookmark, one click. I keep my frequent ftp addresses in the bookmarks and then the password manager kwallet takes care of remembering the credentials (if any). Right click on a file or folder gets you the normal Dolphin options for manipulation/editing.