Is there a way to directly convert a video dvd into a flv file?
Is there a way to directly convert a video dvd into a flv file?
To convert your dvd to flv you can use Aiseesoft DVD to FLV Converter software.It can help you to convert your dvd to flv conversion.
Tech Tiger1:|
Thats a $20 piece of MS-Windows software. We tend to look for Linux solutions on a Linux forum. Does that commercial software run under wine ?
If no one has replied within the next few days, post again to “bump” the thread and I’ll take a look for Linux software that does this (its possible mencoder or ffmpeg will do this, but I don’t know off hand if they do, and I’m not at a Linux PC right now - although I do suspect there is no Linux software that does this directly … most likely there are many intermediary steps ).
There are many dvd to flv converter you can download from internet,I know one is not bad,share with you.
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ffmpeg is ok for this
FFmpeg Documentation
It really quick too
DVD to FLV Converter is an appropriate converter to convert dvd to flv and to other popular video formats, such as avi, mp4,mkv, flv and so on. It has free version for anybody to try.
Try With DVD to FLV Converter to Convert DVD to FLV
It is still a Windows program. Is there a Linux version?
AFAIK Mplayer can do this through mencoder.
This is a very old thread. … Still, if one wants a Linux program with a GUI, one can do this conversion with winFF, where winFF is packaged by Packman packagers for openSUSE.
WinFF, cheers @oldcpu.