DVD drive not mounted

I have just installed openSUSE 11.1 64bit on my new system, but my DVD drive is not mounted at boot-up. When I try to play a dvd or cd the drive spins up, but no dialog box appears asking what I want to do, nothing is listed the disk information section of “My Computer”, and if I try to play a cd via Amarok that option is grayed out. I have tried using the boot option “insmod=sata_nv” but still nothing. My M/B is a XfX GeForce8200 and I’m using a LG GH20 sata drive.
PS if i go to Yast- hardware information, the device is listed.

Thanks for any help given.

Do you have the same problem when you login as root?

See if this thread helps:
Cannot mount a CD-ROM - openSUSE Forums

You may have to add your user account to the cdrom group using Yast. Hope that works.

Well, I have deinstalled KDE and installed XFC and fluxbox. So, I’m not sure how significant that has been. Then I edited my /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf ($> man PolicyKit.conf -or google the many threads about this). The problem though seems to have been a missing package in my configuration, namely, gnome-mount. Everything is working fine on my system now.

Well i must say i’m starting to be angry with 11.1 >:(
After adding user to cd rom group i am able to :

  • play DVD
  • write DVD
  • write DVD

BUT i am not able to play CD!!!

sorry but 11.1 = BAD JOKE !

Just addition - when i insert blank dicsc (cd or dvd) there is no dialog asking what i want to do like it used to be in earlier versions.

You need to add Yourself to disk group not cdrom, look at permissions at /dev/sr0 (for me at least) group that can read and write is disk and not cdrom.

Well i am at Disk group.
In 3.5.10 is everything all right but i would like to KDE 4. :expressionless:

Yeah i also WANTED (i don’t want it anymore KDE 4). I’ll switch in 11.2. For now i’ll stick with good’n’old KDE 3 rotfl!

So there is no way to play CD in KDE 4 in Open Suse 11.1 ??? >:)::x:sarcastic:

tleskac wrote:

> So there is no way to play CD in KDE 4 in Open Suse 11.1 ???

I added myself to the disk and cdrom groups.
Reboot, now I can play cds with KsCD.
Data CDs/dvds get reported to the Device Notifier and mounted, but audio ones do not (but can be played).


OK i can play it in KsCD but not in Amarok. And I think comparis with KDE 3.5 is reallz poor - no dialog after inserting media, it’s stupid.

No KsCD can’t play it it’s only rotating with it lol!lol!lol! It’s probably bad backend but it is impossible to change it. No I think only solution is going back to 11.0

Might be an off question but…how do you check the permissions? Not sure what the command is. I know how to add the disk permissions, etc to a user. But I was wondering what exactly that adds or changes. So I could figure out what the other options are. Thanks!!