Hello, after converting .avi files into videos, I now need to burn them so they can be used on a home dvd player. The problem Is, I can’t find a burner which will do it. I use ffmpeg gui to convert.
I’m a noob, so a one click install would be ideal.
The command line is your friend. It can’t be any easier than having a small shell script named “burn” and then you just enter
burn <dir_with_VOB_files>
The script is:
if test -z "$1" ; then
echo "usage: burn <dir_with_VOB_files>" ; exit 1
read -p "Insert a blank dvd and press enter"
growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=4 -Z /dev/sr0 -dvd-video $1/
exit 0
Adapt “/dev/sr0” to your actual drive. I use mencoder to produce *.mpg files and then dvdauthor to make the VOBs.