I have in my pc the opensuse 11 with two hard disk, and one of the disk is only used to have a copy of my documents. Both hard disk have the same folders and files…
Anyone knows if is possible save a file or a folder on both hard disks at same time? for example if I create (or changed ) a file or a folder in one disk it is possible that the same file or folder is created (or changed) in the other hard disk?
A hardware solution to this issue would be to have two equal disks (mark and size) connected to a raid controler. In the bios setup of the controler you would select the option of miroring, which results in having a complete copy of the the first disk on the second one. Very useful for making backups.
i would recommend a software raid 1. Simply create 2 partitions with the same size and use yast -> partition manager to create a software raid.
Of course you can use a raid controller but software raid is much cheaper, and more compatible, because a raid array is commonly only accessible by the same controller model, software raid is only dependent on the used OS (what means you can access the software raid across all linux distributions).
I go try first the solution with RAID 1. However i have another question. The hard disk where I have opensuse 11 I have also Windows xp professional … this can result in any kind of trouble with RAID 1 ???
no you should not get any trouble, as long as you do not access these partitions from windows. The windows partition is not effected nor changed by the raid. But as far as I know you have to reformat the new raid array (only these partitions where you created the raid from) which causes that all data will be lost there. A backup of them is highly recommended before starting