Dual boot sound problem: suse from 2nd line, windows from 1st line, how to get this consistent?

i have an ASUS Xonar D1 7.1 Soundcard in my PC. On the PC i have both openSUSE 13.1 and Windows 7 installed.
My problem is, in the default configuration on Windows the sound for my stereo headset comes from the first pin or line, when configured as 2 channel device using the windows audio configuration, but on openSUSE the sound comes from the second line when configured as stereo device.

So this results in having to switch the plug whenever i need to boot to the other OS.
If i understand the sings on the back of the card correct, than windows does it right and SUSE wrong, thats why my first idea is to find a way to
tell linux to use the first line of the sound card, is that possible? If so, how?

Have you tried pavolcontrol. You have to install it but it allows pretty much full control of source and sink

If you run KDE you might also try veromix It is a bity more convenient to use because it lives on the system tray

The xfce4-mixer has this feature, you can install this
mixer even if you are using a different DE.

Pavucontrol has not such a function, it allows to configure all kind of stuff but not which line the heatest needs to plug in.
I installed the other tool but was not able to start it before i noticed that the problem solved itself, it seems that a reboot solved it. Or maybe i was to impatient yesterday as i plugged in the headset.

If you have two audio chip sets you can change which is the default (Channel 0) in Yast. When you say you have two lines it make me think you have two cards pavolcontrol dose allow you to select devices to be the main channel. Also allows you to make setting choice per application so one app may pay to channel A and the other to channel B

Coincidentally i have two sound cards, and yes pavu control allows to configure which one is the default device, and that works as it should.
But my problem is/was that my soundcard has 5 (or 6) little holes/plugs (those holes where you plug your heatset line in) on the back, and when configured to work as stereo device (i did this with pavucontrol) the sound came only from the 2nd hole (sorry i do not know how to say this right) but the correct way would be to have the signal on the first (which is labeled as: front/OUT). The actual signal came from the rear or site output i think.
But as allready said after a reboot it works now.