I’ve just installed OpenSuse 11 (not sure if I downloaded 11.1 or 11.2 at this point) and all seemed to go well. I had shrunk the Vista partition on my D:\ drive giving 23 Gb to use for linux. That all seemed OK, but now my windows system does not recognise the remaining 40+Gb of the D:\ drive and Linux has not recognised the internet connection or USB printer so I can’t use the Linux system other than locally. Haven’t found this problem so far on the forum. Has anyone seen this before, or can anyone suggest how to fix this.
As for the D:/ drive and windows not seeing it I am guessing that you have 3 partitions, one for windows, one for linux, and one to share. If this is correct, make sure the one that you are sharing is fat32 or ntfs or something that windows can read, if you have it as a ext3 or ext4 windows will not read it. There is a program for windows that allows it to recognize these partitions but I have never had any luck with it.
As for the rest of the problems, I am new to the openSUSE platform and I am unsure of how to fix it but the following might help.
I know in Fedora I had to enable my internet connection by clicking the network icon in the “task bar” if you will and enable it.
As for printers I believe you can install this through the CUPS interface. Open up your web browser type in “localhost:631” When it brings up the page go to the administration menu and click the add a printer button. There should be a usb option shown with the printer that you have. Click that and follow the setps.
Hope it helps.
If not all problems solved with the partitioning you might want to be a little more specific about the partitions, their format and their size so someone with more experience than me can help ya out.
Good luck!
Windows is anti-social and does not see anything but Windows directories. If you installed using defaults you have a ext4 formated directory for Linux. At the moment there is not even any add ons for Windows that will read/write ext4.
For your driver problem what printer and how are you connecting to the net? You need to tell use a bit more before anyone can help.
You also need to be specific your Internet connection; normally Linux will connect via a cable Ethernet without any problems. If you have wireless you need to right click on the systray icon that looks like a plug at the end of a cable and configure your wireless connection for the first time.
Windows not seeing your resized “D” partition is what I find interesting here.
Was Yast or something else used for the resize? If something else what?
From linux in a terminal (or type konsole at the “run command” menu option)
su -
Fdisk -l
Your questions on hardware(printer) and netwoking are probably best answered in those forums.
Also can you access data from linux on the partition that windows calls “D”.